How the New Calendar will Change the Way we Trade

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4 min readApr 1, 2022


Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that has changed the world, allowing people across the world more freedom in how they manage and transfer value. Cryptocurrency has changed finance, but it’s still held back by the biases held by the majority of the world, beliefs which are shared but not often examined. A blind trust in centralized banking has persevered despite shorts, crashes, and security risks. It’s not solely an ignorance of finance that holds us back, it’s a firm grip on comforts of the past, systems that trudge along, barely holding together, only because of our unwillingness to change. Despite these social issues, Bitcoin and it’s successors have changed the world behind the backs of the unbelievers — and now it’s going to change the calendar.

Extensive studies over the past three decades by a coalition of economists and interdisciplinary sociologists from the worlds top universities have coalesced into a plan that is finally being taken seriously by governments, a plan to change the months and days themselves.

“It’s been nearly two millennia, through this time our world has changed significantly. Bitcoin is a thing, I don’t think Julias Ceasar, Emperor Augustus or General Februarus could have anticipated cryptocurrency — so why are we letting these Romans decide our years?” — Marta Lamboto, PhD Sociology

Studies have shown that the alternating length of months has a significant impact on financial markets, especially with so many transactions happening at the end of the month. Calendar ignorance: thinking a 30 day month has 31 days, cost Americans over 4.5 billion dollars per year in late fees — 40% of which occur on the first day after February.

How do these economists intend to fix this? Obviously, it was to make all months 73 days, a number that perfectly factors into 365; the number of days in a year.

With this in mind, there is still the issue of leap years. Leap years occur because the earth takes slightly more than 365 days to circle the sun, every four years we add an extra day so our great, great, great, great, great grandchildren don’t end up with snowstorms in July.

“Leap years add to calendar confusion and ensuing hardships; the new calendar will do away with this extra day. The months will be numbered 1 through 5 to avoid associating any one name with summer, fall or spring.”
Deget L. Truft, Director of Psychology, MIT

This is going to drastically affect the crypto market in one major way, in addition to 73 day months, weeks will now be 5 days long, keeping the names but dropping the two most disliked days. The days to be removed were determined by an international survey done by Oxford University. The move to change the week inspired the original calendar restructure.

“We had no idea we’d be changing the months. We were tired of fluctuating gas prices on Ethereum, driving us to stay up late on weekends — a time we should be resting, instead we’re drinking coffee and making trades. From there, we said ‘If we’re changing the week, then why not the whole damn year?’ and I said sure, let’s take a look. Before we knew it diplomats were knocking on our inboxes volunteering to try the new calendar.” Frank Lytradin, Consultant

DeFi instigated the change, but what do regular people have to say?

In the 2021 report on The Weekday Purge, one scientist remarked:

“We found, overwhelmingly, that those surveyed disliked the days Monday and Wednesday. These are days dreaded most by individuals. Wednesday is a time when workers feel stuck in the middle of the week, with weekends chronotically equidistant, so we agreed it had to go. As for Monday, when many are beginning their work week, they feel like someone who has just started going to the gym, like someone who must push themselves into a disliked task. Every week people go to work on Monday feeling sour, it adds up.”

The new week will have another big influence on how we trade in the crypto market, as we know Mondays have highest value returns for Bitcoins. It’s been speculated that the new weekly structure will mean less volatility in the market, speeding up the process toward widespread crypto-adoption. By unhinging Monday’s grasp on higher returns, that value can be shared evenly to the rest of the days of the week.

Fourteen countries have already tested the new calendar with 12 countries, including Rhodesia, New Grenada and Basutoland, deciding to keep the calendar after the study period ended; attributing an economic boom and increased mental wellbeing of their citizens to the new annual structure. With results like these, you might soon be saying Happy New Year on Sunday, One first.

Are you excited for the new year?

Tell us why or why not.

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