How to analyze an attack? — a case on the Mango Markets Hack

sec3 (formerly Soteria)
6 min readOct 13, 2022


In this article series, we will conduct in-depth post-hack investigations on a few representative attacks on on-chain protocols and share the techniques and tools used by the Sec3 core team for understanding the attacks.

Recently, MangoMarkets was exploited for over $100M due to a protocol vulnerability (subject to price manipulation of the MNGO token). The hacker even created a Mango DAO proposal “Repay bad debt” that calls for the Mango treasury to pay off the bad debt.

The attacker’s proposal received over 33M Yes Votes in the number of MNGO tokens

Here are the main findings (on the hack):

  • The attacker funded two accounts with more than $10M USDC from FTX

Account1: yUJw9a2PyoqKkH47i4yEGf4WXomSHMiK7Lp29Xs2NqM

Account2: J44uRJxJEDTyPgFG6BtQJ3skhex8FeBbDJWVoh3z9dJU

  • Using the above two accounts as the owner, the attacker created two Mango accounts and deposited 5M USDC to each account as collateral

MangoAccount1: 4ND8FVPjUGGjx9VuGFuJefDWpg3THb58c277hbVRnjNa

MangoAccount2: CQvKSNnYtPTZfQRQ5jkHq8q2swJyRsdQLcFcj3EmKFfX

  • The attacker used MangoAccount1 to…

