How to audit Solana smart contracts Part 3: penetration testing

sec3 (formerly Soteria)
7 min readDec 8, 2021


In this article, we introduce a few penetration testing tools to help detect vulnerabilities in Solana or Rust programs in general.

Solana PoC Framework

The poc-framework provides a convenient way to simulate transactions in a local environment. To illustrate its usage, we will use an example provided by Neodyme on Github.

The withdraw function in the level0 contract with a known vulnerability

We first run soteria -analyzeAll . to get a list of potential vulnerabilities, for which we then use the poc-framework to construct exploits. In particular, Soteria reports the following issue:

Vulnerability: an un-trustful wallet account in level0 reported by Soteria

In fact, this is a known vulnerability (line 104 a missing ownership check) in the level0 contract. In the next three steps, we will construct a PoC to exploit this…

