How to crawl your lost back after the FTX



Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Lost in investment sucks but lost in fraudulence is even worst!

Here are some ideas that you may recover some of your funds if you are a user of FTX US.

For a disclaimer, I am not a financial advisor/legal advisor/lawyer of any kinds, you will have to do your due diligence, I only provide information that viable through Good Samaritan Act.

You lost funds either through fiat, derivatives, crypto and stocks from FTX US.

If you lost as derivatives and stocks, you do not need to worry because bankruptcy of 11/11 did not include derivatives and stocks under separate entity “Ledger X”. You can still withdraw funds without any problems.

Different entities handled your funds, further information is here.

If you lost fiat in crypto app or exchange, and if funds below 6 figures, you should:

1- Keep records of any correspondence either through emails, bank statements of deposit, request data from Plaids, or any statements or screenshots from FTX US.

2- Contract your banks and notice the bankruptcy of FTX US to prevent any further funds withdrawals.

3- Possible file fraudulent charges from your banks.

