How to create NFT Contracts on VeChain (quick)



What is an NFT?

A none-fungible-token (NFT) is a unique token that can be exchanged with others. It is like a unique item with a serial number that can be given to anybody and can not be duplicated.

NFT for VeChain were introduced with VIP-181 at the end of 2018 and are best known for their use of Economic and X Nodes. It is basically a standardized interface for a smart contract.

The original idea can be found on Ethereum with ERC-721 which was born during the CryptoKitties hype. VIP-181 and ERC-721 use the same function names and are compatible with each other.

OpenZeppelin, a platform aimed at Ethereum/Solidity developers, has a lot of libraries and smart contracts that have been audited and tested within a lot of other contracts. They have a lot of templates for most ERC standards — ERC-721 is among them.

This leads to a rather short list of underwhelming tasks that will create our custom NFT Contract. Here we go:

Setup Token Contract

  1. Setup the project based on “Create and deploy Smart Contracts on VeChain” or clone the example project
  2. Add the OpenZeppelin templates via yarn add @openzeppelin/contracts
  3. Create a contract that supports…

