How To: Create Your Own Private Ethereum Blockchain

胡家維 Hu Kenneth


Why we use Private Ethereum Blockchain

Ethereum software enables a user to set up a “private” or “testnet” Ethereum chain that is separate from the main Ethereum chain. This is useful for testing distributed apps built on Ethereum without having to expose your apps or trials to the real Ethereum network using real Ether.



You need to have Geth installed. The easiest way to do this is through homebrew.

  1. Open Terminal and install homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

2. Now install geth

brew tap ethereum/ethereum
brew install ethereum


  1. Download Geth and install

Step :

  1. create a folder
  2. create custom genesis file
  3. create custom data directory
  4. set custom networkID (ChainID)

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Create Genesis File

The Genesis block is the start block of the Blockchain — the first block, block 0, and the only block that does not point to a predecessor block. the genesis block is hard…



胡家維 Hu Kenneth

撰寫任何事情,O型水瓶混魔羯,咖啡愛好者,Full stack/blockchain Web3 developer,Founder of Blockchain&Dapps meetup ,Udemy teacher。 My Linktree: