How to Find Every Airdrop in 2024

Are you missing out on free crypto airdrops this year?

Max Yamp
Published in
3 min readMar 12, 2024


Airdrops are an integral part of DeFi and cryptocurrencies. Not all projects decide to airdrop tokens, and not all airdrops are easy to get, and not all airdrops are even worth getting.. but the rewards for finding the right ones can be life-changing for some. That’s why we wrote this guide to make sure you’re not missing out on any airdrop opportunities in 2024.

Why do Airdrops Exist?

A fair question.

“You mean they just give out free money?”

Kind of! Not all airdrops are the same, but the general logic behind most airdrops is to reward significant contributors to the given project or network. This is in line with the decentralized ethos in DeFi, wherein the contributors to a project or holders of a token are the beneficiaries of the protocol’s yield. It’s decentralized because anybody can contribute or hold the token and have a stake in the success of the project.

Which brings us to community. That’s how the easiest airdrops are earned. DeFi projects need users, and one of the best ways to get users in DeFi is word-of-mouth and community-building. By being the mouth, spreading the word, and being a part of the community, you can earn airdrops from…



Max Yamp

Building web3 and DeFi products. Writing about crypto and tokenomics. Founder of One Click Crypto