How to Integrate Solend Flashloans in Just About Anything — s01e02
alt title 1: moar infinite free monye on the solami chain
we ❤ mrgnfi! I literally just made this cool repo public:
what it do, stacc attack?!
It liquidates any outstanding debts on Margin Finance, using any given supported currency, without spending any actual money of yours other than solami fees — using a custom blacklisting mechanism to maximize the efficacy of your rpc connection (although you should be on helius’ most pricey plans regardless, as everyone should, if they’re MEVing and not wanna run their own vallie(dator).)
Cool, how?!
It’s a natural progression from the first episode of this series concerning and arbitrage — we need to borrow, deposit, be the benevolent liquidat00r, earn ~2.5% on the dollar…