How to Learn Solidity in 30 days

Tom Terado
4 min readApr 22, 2021


Over the past month, I spent my free time learning Solidity (Ethereum Smart Contract language). Due to the NFT hype and my never-ending interest in decentralized finance (Defi), I thought it was finally time to learn Solidity properly.

They power the common Ethereum based tokens called ERC20 and the NFT’s that we hear of selling for exuberant prices through ERC721 and ERC1125 protocols.

* If you are not a developer, I have listed some resources in the No Code section to help you get started :)

** Also created a short Youtube video breaking all the concepts in this article

What is Solidity?

Solidity is a programming language created in 2014–2015 by Gavin Wood as a Turing-complete computer language to interact with the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Turing Complete means a system that can any computation problem with sufficient memory and power.

The language allows developers to create “computerized transaction protocols that execute terms of a contract” — smart contracts. (Nick Szabo)

