How to Make Millions Riding the Crypto Wave: A Whale’s Blueprint

Published in
4 min readAug 2, 2023


A Whale in a Teacup

Let me tell you a little story about a savvy BASE whale who made millions by effortlessly riding the wild crypto wave. (But let’s not name names, for the sake of their paranoia.) In the timeless tradition of turning stories on their heads, let’s call this elusive creature “Sam.” And before you start assuming, Sam didn’t buy any memecoins because, well, Sam isn’t your average Joe. No, Sam is smarter than that.

Step 1: The Bridge Over the Crypto River

The first step in Sam’s grand master plan was to bridge some Ethereum from the mainnet to Base, all through a neat little transaction. Remember, Sam has a “no CEX account” policy. So, he used his external owned account to move the Ethereum.

Step 2: Adding Base to the Arsenal

Next, Sam summoned Base into the MetaMask universe to interact with the smart contracts on the Base Blockchain. Here, Chainlist played the faithful sidekick, helping add the correct chain. Voila!

Step 3: Conjure up a MemeCoin

Following this, Sam channelled his inner creative genius and created his very own memecoin on the Base Blockchain. (You know, like a kid playing with LEGO blocks.) Jon used the contract wizard of OpenZeppelin to establish the smart contract for the token. Once done, the smart contract was deployed using Remix connected to the Base Blockchain.

Step 3bis: The Honeypot Trap

But hold on! Sometimes Sam added a twist to his memecoin tale. He’d create a token that could be bought but not sold. Only chosen ones (or whitelisted addresses) could sell. It’s called a honeypot, and it’s as sweet and sticky as it sounds. Don’t worry, you too can cook up this dish, just ask chatGPT to lend you a hand.

Step 4: The Old Switcheroo

In the fourth step of this memecoin dance, Sam added a portion of his memecoin to the only DEX on Base, @LeetSwap. He created a Ethereum/memecoin pair, throwing in some Ethereum and a portion of his memecoin. And just like that, Sam had the crowd at his fingertips.

Step 5: Call in the Influencers

To take things up a notch, Sam put out a casting call for memecoin influencers. After auditioning a staggering five influencers, he got them to promote his shiny new memecoin on Twitter and Telegram. The cost? A paltry $200 each, bringing the grand total to a thousand dollars.

Step 6: The Great Dump

Once everyone was head over heels for his memecoin, and its value in the liquidity pool had skyrocketed, Sam pulled the rug. He dumped his memecoin, selling off the remaining tokens, and emptied the pool of all its Ethereum. Ta-da! A performance worthy of a standing ovation.

The Aftermath

Now, I’m not sharing this to make Sam out to be a villain. But you should know these memecoins have no real value, and 99% of them are destined for the dump. If everyone knows about this practice, maybe fewer people will fall into the trap.

As for the bridge between Base and the mainnet, it’s not an urban legend. It’s possible, but a bit complex, and can take about 5–7 days. If you’re interested, I could perhaps spill the beans on that too.

In conclusion, anon’s, you’d do well to learn about the Base blockchain and interact with it. Sure, I don’t encourage you to buy anything from Base, but knowledge is power. So, follow me WAGMI and stay tuned for the latest scoop!

But remember, my friends, not all that glitters is Ethereum!




Macro stuff, investment thoughts, tech savi