How To Make Money Online with Affiliate Marketing

Using sales funnels to generate $4000 per month

Michael Hokl
Published in
6 min readJun 7, 2022


Nowadays, people are looking for ways to make money online from home, but is this still possible in 2022? The short answer: Yes, it is. The internet is full with fakes and frauds, when it comes to making money online. But, behind the curtains is where the real music is playing. This music is what we are learning to play today and when you master it, you are able to earn a lot of money online from home.

Today I will teach you what a sales funnel is, how to choose a sales funnel service, how to build one and some tips and tricks on how to make it a high converting sales funnel. But a sales funnel is nothing without good traffic, thats why I recommend you to also read this article. It describes an easy way to get free traffic. So, are you ready for today’s music class? I call it:’’ Make money online from home.’’

Sales funnel services

Before we dive in and create a sales funnel, it is important to know what service to choose. Here I am listing 2 very popular services in different price ranges. is a great way to get started with sales funnels and e-mail marketing. It is a great all-rounder, because you can create sales funnels, set up e-mail campaigns, build websites and much more. And all of this for as little as 18.90 USD . What you will get:

· 10 sales funnel

· 10 automation rule

· 5000 contacts

· 5 Blogs

To learn more about click here. is also a great tool. I recommend GetResponse if you want to start out with a user friendly email marketing solution. The great thing about it is, that for just $15,58 you can get yourself:

· unlimited landing pages

· unlimited Website building

· autoresponders

· customer service in several different languages

To learn more about GetResponse click here

What is a sales funnel

A sales funnel is a series of steps traffic goes through before they reach the point of buying. It’s called a funnel because out of the many people who take the first step and enter the funnel, only a few will make it until conversion.

Please that a look at the picture above :

That is an easy, but effective sales funnel used in Affiliate marketing. Now let’s break it down: we have the traffic, the opt in page, or squeeze page, the bridge page (thank you page)and the merchant website, or sales page and of course the E-mails.

· E-Mails addresses are collected during the Opt in page. We do that so we can later send follow up e-mails to potential customers, that need more time to think about making a purchase and it is also a great way to remind them that this product still exists in case they forgot.

· Traffic are the people that are coming from your ads, your social media content onto your website or blog. If they see an affiliate link and click on it, they will be directed to the Opt in page.

· The Opt in Page, or squeeze page, is an important page. It is the landing page and the first thing your potential customer sees. At this point we want to build interest and get the customer to type in their e-mail address so we can capture it. Once the address is entered, they will be sent to the next page

· The bridge page is the page between you and the sales page. It’s basically used to warm up customers, by sharing valuable information like a free E-Book or a tutorial video. This way they are much more inclined to purchase your product. If their interest is growing they will click the product’s link and be directed to the sales page.

· The sales page was created by the merchant and it purpose is to sell the product.

Now that you know what a sales funnel is and how it’s structured, we will now take a closer look at each page and I will tell you what is important and how to design it

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Opt In Page

The Opt In page, also called landing page or squeeze page, will be the page to collect e-mails in exchange for an free offer. Here are the key elements to a great Opt In page:

  1. A headline that shows the key benefit of subscribing to your e-mail list or downloading your free E-Book, pdf file etc.(called lead magnet)

2. A form that lets potential customers enter their e-mail adress

  1. A call to action so the customer knows what to do

The headline

A good headline should:

1. be catchy to grab the potential customers attention

2. Explain to the potential customers what subscribing to your e-mail list, or downloading your lead magnet, will get them

Try to tell the benefits, as people are more intended to buy on benefits than features.

Take your time, and think about the benefits and emphasize them in your headline.

Opt-In Form

Basic Opt-In forms are just asking for potential customers e-mail addresses.The most basic opt-in form is one that only asks for the potential customer’s email address. Like I said that is very basic and I think boring. So ask them for their name as well. That way you can later personalize the automated e-mails and build a connection, resulting in greater conversion potential.

But don’t ask to much on the Opt-In form, because the more you ask for, the less likely they will fill it out

It is more than enough to just ask for the name and e-mail address.

Call to Action

Let the traffic know what to do next.

This is the purpose of call-to-action buttons. Try not use texts like:

· “Subscribe”, “Join”, “Get Updates”, etc.

Use texts like:

· “Get the free E-Book”, “Show Me Deals”, etc

Remember to point out the benefits!


Bridge page

On this page, you will reinforce the benefits even more. You do that by sharing a video about the product or write an article on how the product will benefit their project, life, money etc.

Here it is import to build a connection between you and the customer. Don’t just review the product. Engage with the customer. Ask questions so the potential customer has to think about it, so it will quality time and this way you and the buyer are building a relationship and the conversion rate will increase.

As far as the design goes: Try to keep it as close as possible to the Opt-In page and make sure to add the call to action on this page as well, so they can click on the linked button and get redirected to the sales page


Sales Page

When selling products or services the merchant or seller, will most of the time have their own sales page. So you don’t have to worry about that for now.

Tips and tricks

· Make sure your Opt-In page matches the design of the sales page

· Less is more. Try not design anything fancy as it might distract the customer

· Don’t ask them for more than the e-mail address and name. If you do they might not fill it out

· Point out the benefits

E-mail marketing

Now, because we collected the emails we can use automated emails to send offers and bonuses to potential customers that are a little hesitant at first. But this is a topic for another day.

Now you know how to create a sales funnel and some of the important parts you need to keep in mind. Now is the time to get traffic to it. You can use social media, paid ads, google etc.

Good luck selling

This article contains affiliate links. Once you make apurchase with my link I will get a commission. The price for you won’t change.



Michael Hokl

Hello. My name is Michael and I am a full time blogger, educating people about making money and investing it correctly.