How to Make Your First Billion in Crypto

5 min readAug 27, 2018


If you Google “What is blockchain?”, here is the answer you can find on the internet — “a digital ledger in which transactions made in bitcoin or another cryptocurrency are recorded chronologically and publicly.”

However, today I’m here not to educate you on the basics of “blockchain” and “cryptocurrency”. Having worked in this industry for almost five years, I’ve experienced and learned a lot of lessons, so today I’m here to humbly share the lessons I’ve learned from different people around me as a five year-old crypto girl/bitch.

Or you can call this article “How to borrow a chicken from someone else to lay my own eggs” or “When there are greedy speculators everywhere, how can you get the money out of their pockets?”

Lesson One: Your Blockchain Whitepaper

Setting up a good layout is the most critical part of this blockchain game. Looking back all those “successful” ICO projects, one thing they have in common is they’ve planned a perfect layout before they even started the project itself.

And the Whitepaper is the most important thing in an ICO?
 actually that’s bullshit. The contents of your whitepaper are all just ctrl+C and ctrl+V. A whitepaper is just some pieces of paper with words on it. Most importantly, LESS IS MORE — in fact, VCs don’t even care!

Who is the person plays the whitepaper game best in this industry? Mr. Li Xiao Lai. You might not know him but you must know how to Google.

Mr. Li forked bitcoin last year, his forked coin is called “Super Bitcoin (SBTC)”. SBTC has neither an official website, nor a whitepaper. Come on, so what? Dude is definitely a PLAYER, and that’s all we need to learn from.

There is a Chinese expression that goes “No strategy is better than any strategies”. I firmly believe this is the best business strategy ever every CEO should apply in their business in this blockchain industry.

Lesson Two: Dominate Your Community — Or, Your Party House

Okay, so if the whitepaper is not important, then what is?


For example, say there is this token/shitcoin, the distribution volume is 100 billion. However, the team saved 50 billion of them to one address, and released only 9% of the tokens to those retail ‘investors’.

If any of you CEOs can get as far as this step, congratulations! You’ve reached half of your marathon, the gold medal is waiting!

You have read till here, so don’t tell me you don’t know the real reason for controlling the majority of the tokens is — to dominate the token’s price on the market.

Now your roadmap is settled, you can sit down, start tweeting out ‘positive energy’ to your community/fans/followers/dupes/goldfish (I will explain why I call them goldfish in Lesson Four) — whatever you would like to call them. Usually, most of the energy comes from repeating mantras such as “You are your own bank”, “Destroy the traditional financial system”, “True banking revolution”, “Decentralisation is the future of finance”, “Fourth Industrial revolution”, etc, because these are the trendiest beliefs in the blockchain industry, everyone is bowing to them like they are sacred teachings.

Look at this beautiful chart — especially if you know how to actually manipulate its ups and downs, you will find it’s the most beautiful thing in the world.

During the roller coaster period, countless superheros jumped into the market fearlessly, helping that 28 year-old CEO cash out „200 million every day for a continous 19 days, and exit withïż„12 billion. Could you be a badass young entrepreneur like that? Get out there and pump!

Lesson Three: No Shame No Gain, Don’t be Afraid of Arguing

In the previous lesson, I mentioned token distribution is quite important. In this lesson, I would like to share the most important thing in blockchain — Marketing & Exploitation. You should always remember this fact — even those people who hate you, who argue against you, who simply disagree with you, can bring you followers, help you grow your community & become your followers. As long as the person is more famous than you, has more followers than you. Go for it! Tag them, hash tag them — There isn’t and there shouldn’t be this “shame” word in the holy grail of blockchain dictionary.

Yes, this is Me smashed Cobra made me a hot chick that day also gained me a couple hundred followers. Thank you Cobra !

Lesson Four: Find New Goldfish — Or Re-Use the Old Ones

Everyone knows the memory of a goldfish only lasts three seconds. In this information-asymmetric market, they are powerless in this game. I can predict their destiny — foam.

Because of this short-lasting memory, those goldfish will never remember the pain they suffered when theirlast token tanked. When they see fish food again, they will come. So the only thing we need to do is find those new goldfish, because there will always new gold fishes, because “greed is good”. And the best thing about goldfish is you can keep throwing food at the ones you already have.

During this year’s bear market, I’ve sensed a lot of goldfish have already forgotten their pain and are waiting for the next chance to start putting more money in. I SMELL IT!

I hope all those entrepreneurs who are currently involved in traditional manufacturing, building the internet economy, and maintaining a classical temperament, can appreciate these rules for accumulating wealth in the new era. After all, there are so many successful self made billionaires stories happening everyday in this industry. Don’t tell me you are not interested in money!

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I’m a very lazy person. I only update when I’m in mood.