How to Rocket Your Token to the Stars-Launchpads

6 min readApr 20, 2024


Key highlights:

  • Crypto launchpads are like rocket boosters for your cryptocurrency project. They connect you with huge communities of investors and help launch your token through an initial offering.
  • To get selected by these elite launchpads, you’ll need to show them you have what it takes to lift off. Make sure to highlight your awesome idea, experienced team, marketing plans, and detailed roadmap — the evaluators want to feel confident you’ll reach the moon.
  • Once you’re on a launchpad, don’t just coast — maximize that promotional rocket fuel. Work closely with their community managers, participate like crazy on socials, consider hiring a shill crew, cross-promote everywhere, and host some slick AMAs. Then after launch keep that momentum going with updates, events, and involvement.

So you’ve got an awesome new cryptocurrency project in the works and you’re ready to launch it out into the cosmos. But where do you even start when it comes to getting your token noticed amongst the legions of other crypto ventures vying for attention every single day?

Don’t fret — with the right strategies and partnerships in place, you too can guide your cryptocurrency project to the outer reaches of the marketing universe. In this guide, we’ll walk through the ins and outs of crypto launchpad platforms and share some battle-tested tips for harnessing their promotional superpowers to thrust your token into the limelight.

By the end, you’ll be well on your way to blasting off your brand-new blockchain baby and establishing a thriving community of investors, supporters, and early adopters. So strap yourself in, it’s time to go to infinity and beyond!

Understanding Crypto Launchpads

Put simply, crypto launchpads are platforms that help new blockchain projects launch through an initial exchange offering (IEO), initial DEX offering (IDO), or initial farming offering (IFO). They serve as a middleman between crypto startups and the large communities of cryptocurrency investors they connect with.

Some of the biggest names in the crypto launchpad space include Binance Launchpad, Polkastarter, Duckstarter, Ignition, and Republic Crypto. These platforms bring a variety of perks to the table like expert mentoring, access to venture capital funding, promotional support, and — most importantly — exposure to hundreds of thousands of engaged crypto community members.

The basic process goes something like this: crypto startups apply to launch through a launchpad and if accepted, they’ll work with the platform’s team on preparing for a crowdsale event. During the event, community members can purchase allotments of the new project’s tokens at a discounted presale price. The funds and tokens are then distributed after the sale concludes.

Being featured on a major crypto launchpad comes with a halo effect that greatly increases the chances of a project’s success. It signifies that a promising new blockchain venture has gone through a vetting process and piqued the interest of industry experts. For new crypto projects, it’s one of the surest ways to supercharge their early growth.

Vetting Your Project for Launchpad Selection

Naturally, not every crypto project will be selected by elite launchpads which receive hundreds of applications each month. To increase your odds, it’s crucial to vet your concept thoroughly beforehand and structure your application materials strategically. Here are a few things Launchpads will be looking for:

A Compelling Use Case and Value Proposition

Launchpad evaluators want to see a clear communication of the problem your project solves and how your technical solution creates real-world value or utility. Be sure to highlight any unique advantages compared to similar solutions already in the space.

An Experienced and Diverse Core Team

Showcasing the relevant expertise and diversity within your founding team helps establish credibility that you have the skills needed to deliver on your technical roadmap and build a sustainable project.

Social profiles, past work experiences, educational backgrounds — include everything to paint a holistic picture of your team’s qualifications. Make it easy for evaluators to understand at a glance that your venture is in experienced hands.

A Healthy Community and Marketing Plans

Launchpad platforms want to see existing proof that you can attract and engage community interest. Share marketing and community-building strategies you’ve already tested. Outline plans for continuing strong growth post-launch as well. This shows you’re committed to ongoing development.

A Realistic Roadmap and Budget

Include a detailed quarterly roadmap laying out your technical development plans, partnership milestones, and community growth objectives. Back it up with a well-researched budget forecast showing how allocated funds will be utilized across various expenditures like PR firms, shilling teams, graphic designers, developers, and operations staff.

A clear and structured roadmap paired with a pragmatic budget gives the impression that you’ve properly planned for long-term success, not just a quick cash grab. This level of forethought will serve you very well in the evaluation process.

Leveraging Launch Pad Promotion

Once selected by a launchpad, it’s time to maximize the promotional firepower provided to take your project supernova. Here are some pro tips on capitalizing on all that a launchpad has to offer:

Work Closely With Their Community Managers

Top launchpads like Polkastarter employ entire teams dedicated to community engagement. Seek mentorship from them on best practices and leverage their expertise when developing strategies. Request introductory calls with crypto social media power players in their network too.

Participate in their Social Media Channels

Engage authentically in Launchpad Telegram groups, Twitter threads, Discord servers, and beyond. Promote updates and events but avoid coming across as spammy — your goal is genuine discussions that build trust over time. Always deliver value before asking for anything in return.

Consider a Crypto Shilling Agency

For additional promotional muscle, work with a reputable crypto marketing firm like EmoneyMax. They have a proven track record of launching hundreds of projects through launchpads with strategy, content production, and carefully managed community hype campaigns that boost visibility and attendance for your sales event.

Cross-promote on Your Own Platforms As Well

While enjoying the exposure of the launchpad, make sure your own websites, blogs, newsletters, and social media profiles are equally busy spotlighting your participation in their upcoming launch event. Promote exclusive discounts, giveaways, or early access perks to light that FOMO fire.

Host Educational AMA Sessions

Hold ask-me-anything sessions on the launchpad’s Telegram groups and Discord servers in the lead-up to demo your solution, as technical founders are well respected. Have thoughtful, transparent discussions that position your team as experts and build further goodwill.

Post-Launchpad Exposure is Key

Remember, while the launchpad provides that all-important initial blast-off boost — your job is really just beginning. Maintaining momentum in the weeks and months after your crowd sale concludes requires continued diligence:

  • Release project updates and milestones on your timeline to show progress
  • Engage with new community members and address their questions promptly
  • Cross-promote major announcements on partner platforms for ongoing exposure
  • Consider doing follow-up interviews with crypto media outlets
  • Host interactive community events and incentivize long-term participation
  • Monitor ambassador, investor, and supporter Telegram groups daily

The pros over at crypto marketing agencies like EmoneyMax can aid you on an extended basis with community management, graphics, content ideas, and Discord / Telegram community growth techniques to turn your launchpad success into long-term sustainability.

With the right strategic promotion through launchpad selection and aftermath execution, connecting with new users and investors should feel like a natural process of evolution rather than constant grinding for attention — and that’s how your token truly rockets into mainstream success. Stay focused on delivering value over vaporware, and the gains will follow. Now get out there and blast off!




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