Photo by Nathan Duck on Unsplash

How to run a StarkNet Node (very easy)

StarkNet is a general-purpose zk rollup on Ethereum, by StarkWare.


🏁 Performance

ZK rollups can compress transactions like no other rollup technology by creating small proofs containing all transactions and uploading these to the Ethereum blockchain. It is kind of like uploading a folder of data vs uploading a .zip file. Through this, they can achieve VISA-like throughput at very low costs.

🔒 Security

ZK rollups have no security assumptions. The worst that could happen is that the transaction gets stuck.

✨ Decentralization

While current zk rollups are in an early stage of development and not yet very decentralized, some, like StarkNet, now have functional node clients. 🎉

⚖️ Accessibility

Thanks to the amazing and very promising zk research, the costs are already very low for transactions and will continue to decrease significantly.

🛠 How to run a StarkNet Node and be part of the ZK revolution 🚀

I created a little shell script to make your life easier.

Firstly, you will want to set up an instance with at least 2 cores, 2 GiBs RAM, 50 GiBs, and your preferred Linux distro (we use Ubuntu 20.04) and then on your host machine:

UPDATE: With Pathfinder 0.2.6-alpha, you do not need any additional plugins to build the docker image anymore and the JSON-RPC forwarding works now too! I can only recommend using docker instead of building the node from source! Check this tutorial to set up Pathfinder using docker:

1. Clone the repository containing my installation script.

git clone

2. Enter the repository.

cd starknet-pathfinder-install-script

3. Copy the script to your instance and make it executable.

scp root@IP_ADDRESS:/root/

4. Enter your instance.

ssh root@IP_ADDRESS

5. Make the script executable.

chmod -x

6. Watch the magic unfold 🧙‍🪄


Et Voilà! ✨ Welcome to the ZK revolution 🚀

Give yourself a good pat on the ol’ back-a-rooney! You are awesome! Be proud of yourself for supporting #decentralization and #accessibility!

👇 Share your success with us in the StarkNet discord channel #full-node-success 👇

Feel free to check out my crypto coda page for more guides and alpha.

