How to use MetaMask? A Crypto Wallet

Aditya Kumar Tiwari
4 min readFeb 28, 2022


MetaMask is a popular and established browser extension that functions as a cryptocurrency wallet that connects to the Ethereum blockchain. MetaMask allows users to interact with the Ethereum ecosystem, which hosts a vast universe of decentralized applications (Dapps), without having to download the entire blockchain on their device.

How to Download MetaMask?

Always use MetaMask's official website to download the Metamask extension or MetaMask App. HERE is an Offical website of MetaMask Or go to google and search metamask down and click on the first result.

Click on First result Download | MetaMask

Click on Install MetaMask for Your browser

Install and add to browser

As soon as you have added the MetaMask extension to the browser you will see the fox icon in extension Place(Top right corner in browser). Click on that.

You will be redirected to the Welcome page Please Get Started here.
Now you can opt you want to create a new wallet or want to import an existing wallet with a secret Phrase.

If you want to import a wallet you can with Secret Recovery Phrase. We will into this process later. As we are new We will Create a wallet. Read and agree and move forward. Set Password keep it secret.

Follow the instruction given. Land to secret recovery phrase and copy and save this phrase in multiple places like a notebook, word files and mobile notes in secret places because you will add real crypto money here.

Copy and save recovery phrase

On the next page write Your secret phrase. Congratulation you have done with setting up your first MetaMask wallet.

Now on the right top, you will see Ethereum's main net network, Here you will find All the blockchain networks added. In the next section, you will learn how to add a new network and tokens.

Add network and token

Click on the Add network to add a new network. You will land on this page.

Add network page

You will need to add these Fields. You need to go to the official site of the network. Like I am for example adding a BNB network. Search BNB network and google and find network detail. THIS is a BNB network page.

You can enter these details on Add network page and save.

You will see this network is added in the network section now you can add BNB powered tokens here. You can check which tokens are using BNB smart chain in the contract address section.

Add Token to network

You can import tokens in a selected network by clicking the Import token button on the BNB page.

Get your contract address from the coin market cap site from the existing token or you can use your contract address here for new tokens.

You can check the DOGE coin contract address here which is deployed on BNB smart chain.

Add this token this will be added to your BNB network section.

Now you can send or receive DOGE and BNB tokens from the Account 1 address. Click on the copy button and you can use this address for the transaction.

Hope this article helps you in MetaMask setup, add network, add token, send and receive tokens.

Thank you for reading this. You can share your thoughts in the response section give likes.

Happy reading.

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