How a Viral Memecoin Caused Two Ton Blockchain Outages: Is Appchain Development the Solution?

Emily George
8 min readSep 2, 2024


In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrencies, where innovative projects and groundbreaking technologies constantly vie for attention, the rise of memecoins has been an unexpected and disruptive force. These tokens, often created as jokes or parodies, can quickly gain massive popularity, driven by internet culture, memes, and viral marketing. However, their sudden surges in transaction volume can reveal critical vulnerabilities in blockchain networks, as witnessed recently with the Toncoin blockchain.

In August 2024, the TON blockchain — a network closely associated with Telegram — suffered two significant outages within 36 hours. These disruptions were directly linked to the explosive popularity of a new memecoin called DOGS. The memecoin frenzy led to an overwhelming spike in transaction volumes, which exposed the TON blockchain’s inability to scale efficiently under extreme load conditions. During these outages, TON processed an astounding 20 million transactions, far exceeding its operational capacity and bringing the network to a grinding halt.

These events not only highlighted the scalability challenges faced by Toncoin but also reignited discussions around the future of blockchain architecture. The question now is: Is this the call for appchain development — a more focused, scalable approach to managing blockchain traffic?

The Memecoin Mania: How DOGS Triggered Toncoin’s Downfall

The saga began on August 27, 2024, when the DOGS memecoin, inspired by Telegram’s mascot Spotty, was launched with a massive airdrop campaign. This campaign quickly gained traction among the crypto community, leading to an unprecedented surge in transactions on the TON blockchain. The first disruption occurred at 23:00 UTC, causing block production to halt for six hours. This event was merely a precursor to a second, even more, disruptive outage the following day, lasting over four hours.

The root cause of these outages was the overwhelming demand for DOGS tokens. Within a span of 48 hours, the TON blockchain processed a staggering 20 million transactions, far surpassing its capacity. The network struggled to handle the influx, particularly due to scalability challenges associated with sharding — a common technique used to distribute the workload across multiple nodes.

Sharding, while effective in handling normal transaction volumes, becomes problematic under extreme conditions. Each shard must communicate with others to ensure that all parts of the network are synchronized. However, when transaction volumes skyrocket, the communication between shards becomes a bottleneck, leading to delays, slowdowns, and in this case, a complete network failure.

Validators on the TON blockchain were unable to clean their databases of old transactions, which led to a loss of consensus among them. This inability to process new transactions effectively or maintain synchronized records of the blockchain’s state was a critical flaw that the DOGS token frenzy brought to light.

The Challenge of Scalability: Why Sharding Failed TON

Sharding is a popular technique used in blockchain networks to improve scalability. By dividing the network into smaller, more manageable pieces called “shards,” each shard handles a portion of the total transaction load. This allows the network to process a higher volume of transactions than it could if all transactions were handled by a single node or a small group of nodes.

However, sharding has its limitations. For the network to function correctly, the shards must communicate with each other to stay in sync. For example, if one shard processes a transaction that affects data in another shard, the two shards must exchange messages to update their records. This ensures that all shards have up-to-date information and that the blockchain remains consistent.

Under normal conditions, this communication happens relatively smoothly. But when transaction volumes spike — such as during the DOGS memecoin frenzy — the number of messages exchanged between shards increases dramatically. The network becomes overwhelmed by the sheer volume of communication required, leading to delays and, in the case of TON, complete outages.

The TON blockchain’s failure during the DOGS memecoin surge was a stark reminder of the limitations of sharding as a scalability solution. As blockchain networks continue to grow and handle increasingly complex transactions, it’s clear that new approaches are needed to manage this growth effectively.

The Rise of Appchains: A Solution to Scalability Challenges?

Appchains, or application-specific blockchains, have emerged as a promising solution to the scalability challenges faced by traditional blockchain networks. Unlike general-purpose blockchains, which handle a wide variety of transactions and applications, appchains are designed to focus on a single type of activity or application. This specialization allows appchains to manage traffic more effectively and avoid the bottlenecks that can occur in more generalized networks.

Appchains offer several key advantages over traditional blockchain architectures:

  1. Focused Functionality:
    Appchains are designed with a specific purpose in mind, such as handling payments, executing smart contracts, or managing a particular type of data. This focus allows the appchain to optimize its performance for that specific task, avoiding the overhead associated with managing multiple types of transactions.
  2. Scalability:
    By concentrating on a single application, appchains can scale more effectively than general-purpose blockchains. Since the network only needs to handle a specific type of transaction, it can be optimized to process those transactions quickly and efficiently, even under heavy load.
  3. Security:
    Appchains can be tailored to the security requirements of their specific application. For example, a payment-focused appchain might prioritize security features such as encryption and fraud detection, while a data-focused appchain might focus on data integrity and privacy.
  4. Customizability:
    Because appchains are designed for a specific purpose, they can be customized to meet the needs of the application. This flexibility allows developers to build appchains that are perfectly suited to their use case, without having to compromise on functionality or performance.

The TON blockchain’s recent outages have highlighted the need for more specialized approaches to blockchain architecture. Appchains, with their focused functionality and scalability, offer a promising solution to the challenges that TON and other blockchains face as they continue to grow.

How to Launch Appchains? A Step-by-Step Guide

Launching an appchain is a complex process that requires careful planning, development, and testing. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you understand the key stages involved:

  1. Define the Purpose and Use Case
    The first step in launching an appchain is to clearly define its purpose and use case. What specific problem does the appchain aim to solve? Who will use it, and what transactions or activities will it handle? This clarity will guide the design and development process, ensuring that the appchain is tailored to its intended application.
  2. Choose the Right Blockchain Platform
    Once the purpose of the appchain is defined, the next step is to choose the underlying blockchain platform. There are several platforms that support the development of appchains, including Polkadot, Cosmos, Near Protocol, Polygon, and Avalanche. Each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to choose one that aligns with the appchain’s goals and technical requirements.
  3. Design the Appchain Architecture
    The architecture of the appchain will determine its scalability, security, and performance. Key decisions at this stage include selecting the consensus mechanism (e.g., Proof of Stake, Proof of Authority), designing the data structures, and planning how the appchain will interact with other blockchains or networks.
  4. Develop the Appchain Codebase
    With the architecture defined, the next step is to develop the appchain’s codebase. This involves writing the smart contracts, building the user interface, and developing any necessary integrations with other systems. It’s crucial to follow best practices in blockchain development to ensure that the appchain is secure, efficient, and reliable.
  5. Test and Optimize the Appchain
    Before launching the appchain, it’s essential to thoroughly test it to identify and fix any issues. This includes conducting security audits, load testing, and simulating different scenarios to ensure that the appchain can handle real-world conditions. Optimization may involve fine-tuning the consensus mechanism, improving transaction processing times, or enhancing the user interface.
  6. Deploy the Appchain
    Once the appchain has been developed and tested, it’s ready for deployment. This involves setting up the network infrastructure, launching the nodes, and ensuring that the appchain is accessible to users. The deployment process should be carefully planned to minimize downtime and ensure a smooth launch.
  7. Monitor and Maintain the Appchain
    After the appchain is live, ongoing monitoring and maintenance are critical to its success. This includes monitoring transaction volumes, network performance, and security threats. Regular updates and improvements may be necessary to address any issues and keep the appchain running smoothly.

Launching an appchain is a complex and challenging process, but with careful planning and execution, it can provide a powerful solution to the scalability challenges faced by traditional blockchains.

Cost Analysis: What Does It Take to Launch and Maintain an Appchain?

The cost of launching and maintaining an appchain can vary widely depending on several factors, including the complexity of the appchain, the platform used, and the level of customization required. Here’s a breakdown of the key cost components:

  1. Development Costs
    The development of an appchain involves writing the code, designing the architecture, and building the necessary integrations. Development costs can range from $50,000 to $500,000 or more, depending on the complexity of the appchain and the expertise of the development team.
  2. Platform Fees
    Most blockchain platforms charge fees for using their network. These fees can include transaction fees, staking requirements, and other costs associated with using the platform’s resources. The cost of platform fees can vary widely, ranging from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars per month.
  3. Security Audits
    Security is a critical consideration for any blockchain network. Conducting thorough security audits is essential to ensure that the appchain is secure and resilient against attacks. Security audit costs can range from $10,000 to $100,000 or more, depending on the complexity of the appchain and the thoroughness of the audit.
  4. Testing and Optimization
    Before launching the appchain, it’s essential to conduct extensive testing and optimization to ensure that it performs well under real-world conditions. Testing and optimization costs can range from $20,000 to $100,000, depending on the scope of the testing and the level of optimization required.
  5. Infrastructure Costs
    Running an appchain requires a robust network infrastructure, including servers, nodes, and storage. Infrastructure costs can vary widely depending on the size of the appchain and the level of redundancy required. Infrastructure costs can range from $10,000 to $100,000 per year or more.
  6. Ongoing Maintenance
    After the appchain is live, ongoing maintenance is essential to ensure that it continues to perform well. Maintenance costs can include monitoring, updates, and improvements, as well as responding to any issues that arise. Ongoing maintenance costs can range from $50,000 to $200,000 per year or more.
  7. Legal and Compliance Costs
    Depending on the jurisdiction in which the appchain operates, there may be legal and compliance costs associated with launching and maintaining the network. These costs can include legal fees, regulatory compliance, and other costs associated with operating a blockchain network in a regulated environment. Legal and compliance costs can range from $10,000 to $100,000 or more.
  8. Marketing and Community Building
    To ensure the success of the appchain, it’s important to invest in marketing and community building. This includes promoting the appchain to potential users, engaging with the community, and building partnerships with other projects. Marketing and community-building costs can range from $20,000 to $200,000 or more, depending on the scale of the efforts.


The recent outages experienced by the TON blockchain due to the unexpected popularity of the DOGS memecoin have highlighted the limitations of traditional blockchain architectures, particularly in handling extreme transaction volumes. As blockchain networks continue to grow and handle increasingly complex transactions, the need for more scalable, focused solutions has become apparent. Appchains offer a promising approach to addressing these challenges, providing the scalability, security, and customizability needed to meet the demands of the modern blockchain ecosystem. While launching an appchain is a complex and costly process, the benefits of a well-designed appchain far outweigh the challenges, paving the way for a more scalable and efficient future for blockchain technology.



Emily George

Certified Cryptocurrency Expert™ (CCE) & Experienced Crypto Writer in Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Field. Web3 Speaker and Crypto Business Analyst.