How you can create your own NFTs for FREE!

Joseph Hass
7 min readMar 17, 2022


Image of my girl friend’s upper body. Her face and shoulders. Work of art.

Well I was asleep and I just work up … No no I was not asleep as in asleep when you go to bed at night. I was asleep as in my eyes were closed to the world of Crypto and NFTs.

I am an IT guy and have been for many years. I always knew about cryptocurrency however never thought of looking into it till now. I am awake as let me tell you cryptocurrency is coming and NFTs are already a thing.

It is not a question of if Crypto is coming anymore, it is a question of when is Crypto coming?

All countries have central cryptocurrency banks in testing and some have them in production so something will be happening. It is only a matter of time.

And if you look at what is happening at the moment we are already not using a lot of cash. We are using plastic. Your phone will become your wallet …

This is not financial advice and I am not a fortune teller. I am just sharing my thoughts with you …

Now back to the main topic NFTs … If you want to know more about what I think about cryptocurrency just drop a comment below. I will be happy to write an article about my thoughts.

Anyway now NFTs … You might have heard of NFTs (Non-fungible tokens) if you have great if not here is what they are …

So a fungible token is like money a dollar for a dollar or a gold brick for a gold brick right. They are both the same and have the same value.

A Non-fungible token (NFT) is like your house or a piece of art. They are unique, there is not something out there that is exactly the same. It can also be a collectable like if you have a signed baseball from your favourite player. We can’t exchange it for something of equal value. This is what makes it an NFT.

Now that we got that clear and we can relate it to real-world items we can talk about digital NFTs. These can be art, music, collectables, concert tickets … etc

Now the crazy part is why would someone pay a million dollars for a picture of a monkey or any other NFT??? Well because we humans make things valuable. It is what we value and it becomes more valuable if it is rare, unique or one of a kind. It will then have a high value and there will be people willing to pay lots of money for it.

I know! I know! I couldn’t get my head around it either however you can think of digital NFTs as a house in the real world or a masterpiece by a famous artist.

So how do NFTs work? You might ask.

I am not gonna go into deep details otherwise I will be here forever however I will try to paint a picture for you so you get the idea.

We are in the age where Web 3 is on its way. We have had the web which was the first version where we had static webpages then version 2 was web 2.0 where you have social media and the ability to broadcast yourself now very shortly Web 3 will be here where you will have a decentralised system with artificial intelligence.

To give you a simple example about Web 3 imagine that you are going on a holiday and you are on a budget you would start googling all the discount sites to find the best deal for you. With Web 3 you would put your search in and you will get the best deal for your budget trip without the need to go to every discount site and find the best deal.

I am giving a very simple example here and this is a basic explanation.

With Web 3 everything is decentralised which means not one computer or organisation holds all the data. The data is distributed over multiple computers that way there is no way of forging the information or losing it and it can’t be changed. For example, now your house title would be held in the land titles office. If the land titles office is burnt down you would lose your title however if this was a digital contract it would be stored on multiple computers on the internet. If one computer fails then the other computers will still have a copy of your contract.

Again I am giving very simple examples here and this is a basic explanation.

With NFTs think of them like this. I just drew this really cool picture and wrote my name on the back of it then I handed it to each of my friends and every time a friend gets it they write their name on the back of the picture then when the picture reached Frank he liked it so so much that he wanted to make it his own.

Frank took my really cool picture, kept it for himself then replicated it and signed his name on the back of the replica then started to pass it again to each of my other friends. When it got back to me it did not have my signature or anyone that had it before Frank. Now we know that this is not the original copy as it did not have all the signatures. The chain was broken.

This is exactly how blockchain technology works. When you make an NFT there is a record in the ledger that shows it was created or minted by you then every time it is sold to a person a record will be created so it can’t be forged.

As mentioned earlier what makes NFTs valuable is that if they are rare, unique or one of a kind then that would make us value them and some people are prepared to pay lots of money for them.

If you want to make your own NFTs then you can follow this rule and make them rare, unique or one of a kind so be creative.

The second part here is if you want to create or mint an NFT. (Minting means creating) You need to pay some fees these fees are called GAS fees which are transaction fees for the computers to update the ledger with your new NFT.

GAS fees at the moment are expensive and with NFTs, they are not like cryptocurrency where you can convert them into money easily but wait what if I told you that there is a way to create NFTs for FREE thanks to something called lazy minting on the Polygon Blockchain which you can implement on OpenSea which is the biggest NFT market place out there.

So like I said if you want to create NFTs you need to be creative so you can create something of value. Also, a bonus now is that you can list them for FREE which is good for your pocket as there is no risk and good for the environment as the computers will not be processing your request until a sale is made.

And before I go I would like to introduce you to my NFT collection which was created by pure chance. It is called Girlfriend Random Unexpected Art.

This is a 68 GFNFT (Girlfriend NFT — Yes I made a new word up) collection that is original, one of a kind and will not be repeated. Here is the story of how it all came about …

My girlfriend was playing with a new green screen before a zoom meeting. You would not believe what happened! The colours went funny when she set up the green screen. She was turned into a painting. It was like someone drew her. She started taking photos while making silly faces not thinking much about it. The result was these never-before-seen photos. When she shared them with me. I wanted to create my own as they were very cool. I thought they were created with an App before I knew the story. When she told me what happened I wanted to capture that special moment so we decided to turn them into NFTs because they were indeed unique, amazing and one of a kind!

This is a very cool effect by pure luck and serendipity that will never be repeated again. Click on them below, and see for yourself!

The Girlfriend Random Unexpected Art official website or you can check them out on OpenSea.

Be sure to let me know what you think of the GFNFTs…

I am thinking of hanging one on a big digital photo frame. Yes, I believe this will be the case in the near future. People will hang their digital art NFTs on digital photo frames in addition they will have the ability to display a digital art gallery as well.

If you found this article of benefit drop me a line below. I would like to know what you think and what you are doing if you are going to get into NFTs before the bubble bursts.

Thanks for reading …

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