How you can easily earn crypto tokens (almost) for free!

Ben's Crypto Talk


Nothing comes for free? Well, this statement isn’t entirely correct in the world of crypto and decentralized finance (DeFi). This article will teach you about a technique to earn crypto with minimal investment and sometimes even for free — no scam and absolutely legit!

I know it sounds crazy. Why in the world should someone give you crypto coins for free? And I’m pretty sure the first thing that comes into your is: “That must be a scam.” Well, I will show you it isn’t. On the contrary, I will introduce a simple, safe, and legit approach to earning crypto tokens for free.

However, there’s a tiny catch: The approach doesn’t work for any coin you probably want to have. More precisely, the technique works for freshly added coins only. Accordingly, you won’t be able to earn Bitcoins, Ethereums, or Solanas with it. Nevertheless, once you’ve earned coins for free, it is possible to swap them for the common crypto coins.

Genesis Pools — The key to earning crypto tokens for free

As the headline already states, we use genesis pools to earn crypto tokens for free. Here’s some background in case you are not familiar with genesis pools.

In fact, genesis pools are one possibility project teams and organizations use to…



Ben's Crypto Talk

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