Huobi has another major incident, executives were arrested for gambling more than 50 billion!

4 min readAug 11, 2023


Justin Sun,the boss of Huobi,has a major event again!

On August 5, several executives of the company were taken away by police for positions in human resources, finance and research and development.

Earlier, it was reported that Huobi’s technical director and chief executive were also investigated by police for running a casino.

Is it true that Huobi executives are caught? Will the Huobi ever be turned off?

Is there any hope for HT? Will Sun Yuchen run away in advance?

With the question, we then look down, this article will reveal the secret of the Huobi exchange, and expose Justin Sun after taking over all the bad things!

#01 Is it true that a Huobi executive is caught?

The executive’s arrest is true, which has been confirmed by the authoritative media!

The executives were arrested for suspected of opening a casino, and suspected online gambling funds of more than 7.6 billion US dollars, or more than 50 billion yuan, and they sent an internal email to ask domestic employees to run away.

After the incident, HT large households were crazy selling, the price fell all the way.

Then Justin Sun posted a post on X “refuting the rumor”

Perhaps because of his concerns, Justin Sun was vague about the “rumor” and did not explain whether the senior executives were taken away, nor did he specify what was denied the rumor.

Justin Sun this ambiguous statement can be sure that the news is true, Justin Sun himself also very panic.

#02 Will the Huobi be shut down because of this?

Whether Huobi will run away this time,let’s not discuss it.

But sooner or later, the Huobi will cause big problems! Huobi must have assets, the fastest transfer away!

Why do you say that? Let’s take a look at what Justin Sun did after taking Huobi!

On March 9th, HT targeted blasting!Countless people are exploding!

On March 9th this year, the Huobi will platform currency HT without warning instant return to zero, from 4.9 pin 0.3!

HT contract players are all exploded warehouse, no immune!

This kind of thing happens, for other exchanges must be full compensation, but the Huobi must be so special.

Tycoon nnn was exploded 26 million dollars has not been heard from, can only recognize the loss.

pGALA event: buy fake coins on Huobi

Due to Huobi’s own negligence, gala was smashed.

Finally, he left the pot to the user, and the GALA he bought with real money was replaced with the shrinking pGALA, which was cut by Sun without doing anything.

Make money do not let take away, directly block

Did not buy counterfeit money it doesn’t matter, still have a way to cut you!

As long as you will make money in the Huobi, the Huobi will directly judge you as a mouse warehouse, shield!

PI event: the buy fake coins on Huobi

Pi is not on the mainnet,Justin Sun posted it in advance on Huobi.But this pi and the mobile phone mining pi has no half a dime relationship, do not know the friend was cut again.

Put it in the end

There are many more “legendary stories” about Huobi, here is not a emphasize.

In short, away from this exchange, to avoid the coin circle sickle, must first avoid Huobi!far away HT!

Justin Sun is very shrewd, he can take your money away without running away, don’t buy his coins, don’t use his exchange!




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