I still don’t know what it does.

Durwin Ho
3 min readOct 23, 2023


AI woven into our clothes directly that gives us superhuman abilities. Why not?

Someone created an “AI Pin” and no one knows what it actually does.

Its 2023, and every new gadget carries the promise of changing our lives.

Enter Humane with its ‘Ai Pin,’ unveiled amidst the glitter of a Paris fashion show, marrying the obscure with the opulent.

The event was a spectacle, but as the models strutted down the runway with the Ai Pins adorning their chic attire, the crowd was left pondering more about the pin’s functionality than the fashion statement it purported to make.

Humane’s website, a realm of abstract notions, offers priority access to those who dare venture into the unknown.

It’s a rather large for a pin, but still small compared to a GoPro.

Yet, the specifics of what the Ai Pin does remain as elusive as a mirage in a tech desert.

AI companies are getting creative, debuting their product at a Paris fashion runway.

Engadget and TechCrunch buzz with speculative fervor but offer no solid ground on the pin’s capabilities.

A product launched amidst fanfare, its purpose shrouded in mystery.

Is this a masterstroke of marketing or a well-made teaser?

Humane’s partnership with Coperni for this unveil adds a layer of high-fashion credibility to the Ai Pin.

But it also casts a shadow of pretentiousness over the practical utility of the device.

The dramatic runway reveal was fun but vapid.

Digging through the caverns of the internet provides a mere dribble of insight.

Billions were raised by AI companies just in 2023. What will come out of it?

The Ai Pin is whispered to be a wearable interface to the boundless realms of digital interaction.

But what sets it apart from the smart wearables we’ve been strapping to our wrists for years?

Does it record everything in our lives?

Will it be an AI-powered assistant?

Why couldn’t it be an app in our phone?

Does it mean an additional item to bring around now?

If I snorkel or swim, do I sneak into my swimming trunks?

“The intelligent clothing-based wearable uses a range of sensors that enable natural and intuitive compute interactions and is designed to weave seamlessly into users’ day-to-day lives”, says Humane in a press release accompanying the reveal at the Coperni show.

Will the future be that AI and mankind coexist in harmony?

And yet.

“Humane, a five year-old startup founded by former Apple employees, has had a Series C funding round raising $100 million taking its total VC funding to date to $230 million.”

News sites, blogs, Youtube videos and social media posts.

I read and re-read it entirely.

And I still don’t know what it does.

Do you?


Do you know what the AI pin by Humane does?


#Humane #AiPin #TechInFashion #InnovationOrIllusion #MysteryTech #FashionTech #RunwayReveal #Coperni #TechSpeculation #EnigmaticUnveil



Durwin Ho

CEO of StartupX | Web3.0, Crypto, DeFi, NFT Enthusiast |HyperX Sustainability Hackcelerator | Startup Weekend Singapore.