Insider Security Threats Elimination — A Case Study of ParallelChain PreventiveChain

4 min readMar 9, 2023


With the rapid advancement of technology, cybersecurity threats have become more sophisticated, frequent, and damaging than ever before.

Cybersecurity threats in the modern world go beyond external attacks. Organizations of all kinds are very concerned about insider threats. Insiders have access to confidential data and systems that can be stolen or used improperly, whether on purpose or accidentally.

What are Insider threats?

Attacks or data breaches committed by individuals with authorized access to a company’s systems and data are known as insider cybersecurity threats. These people may be coworkers, independent contractors, suppliers, or other reliable third parties. Insider threats can be malicious, such when a worker steals data for their own benefit, or unintentional, like when a worker unintentionally shares sensitive information.

Types of insider threats

  1. Malicious insiders: These insiders have intentionally and maliciously stolen or damaged data, systems, or other resources of the organization for personal gain or harm to the organization.
  2. Careless insiders: These insiders are not intentionally harmful, but their negligence, ignorance, or recklessness can cause security breaches.
  3. Compromised insiders: These insiders are those whose access to the organization’s systems has been compromised by external hackers or attackers.
  4. Malware-infected insiders: These insiders have inadvertently installed malware on the organization’s systems or devices, thereby becoming part of a botnet or otherwise providing unauthorized access to attackers.

Insider threats Examples

  1. Intellectual property theft: An employee who has access to an organization’s intellectual property (IP) such as patents, trade secrets, or confidential information, can steal and sell it to a competitor or use it for personal gain.
  2. Sabotage: An employee can intentionally damage an organization’s systems or data, causing disruption or loss of business.
  3. Unauthorized access: An employee can misuse their access to sensitive information, such as customer data or financial information, for personal gain or to leak to external parties.
  4. Phishing attacks: An employee can unwittingly fall for a phishing attack, providing their login credentials or other sensitive information to attackers.

Mitigating Insider Threats With PreventiveChain From ParallelChain

It is not uncommon to see companies/establishments come up with top tier multi layer security models to help guard against external threats from hackers and the likes. But what seems to be lacking is a security model that monitors what many consider as a more vulnerable and more dangerous threat which is the insiders. Cloud-based storage makes it harder to detect insider threat due to the low traceability of user activities

Since 2018, insider incidents have increased by 47% and this remains a major cause of concern for most establishments/companies.

The PreventiveChain from ParallelChain is the world’s first blockchain cybersecurity system that pre-empts insider threats and enhances insider monitoring.

To achieve this, the PreventiveChain incorporates cameras to aid businesses in observing user behavior and prevent improper use and data leakage that is essential to the operation.

PreventiveChain offers enhanced security, at every point of interaction, protecting against unauthorised access, alteration, and deletion of digitised records and with the ability to prove innocence, not just for prevention.

ParallelChain Preventive Models

Multi-factor Authentication

A smart and hassle-free login design to secure user account with extra layers of protection.

Anti-Spoofing Facial Recognition

Accurate face identification done in less than <0.1s. Able to distinguish between a real person and images. Adjustable periodical scanning after login.

Remote Desktop Administration

Remote access for administrators to facilitate the monitoring of activities anywhere, anytime

Security Watermerk

Deters ill-intentioned screen capturing by exposing the user’s identity in screenshots.

Data Storage Control

Usage of network and external storage (e.g. cloud services, Bluetooth, USB) is controlled.

User Access Control

Readability of data is limited and granted based on account types

Export / Import Access

Allows importation, but not exportation, of files, records, images.

In conclusion, organizations should pay close attention to insider cybersecurity threats because they pose a significant risk. Organizations can lower the risk of insider threats and safeguard their systems and data from unauthorized access, theft, and harm with the hep of PreventiveChain from ParallelChain. Organizations can avoid threats and safeguard their important assets by adopting a proactive strategy to cybersecurity.

