Introducing the Hashport SDK

3 min readSep 27, 2023


Hashport is an interoperability solution that facilitates the movement of supported digital assets across supported networks in a quick, secure and cost-effective way. We currently support 11 networks — Hedera, Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche, BNB Chain, Arbitrum, Optimism, Fantom, Cronos, Moonbeam & Aurora — and have added support for 58+ different tokens and their wrapped versions to the platform.

In this article, we will focus on the Hashport SDK which allows dApps to integrate with the Hashport infrastructure and let users port their assets across the ecosystems.

But first, what are SDKs?

SDK is short for software development kit, which developers use to build applications for specific platforms. A basic SDK includes a compiler, debugger, & APIs. In our case, the Hashport SDK provides engineers of Hedera-native DEXes an easy toolkit to integrate Hashport.

Why use the Hashport SDK

There are several reasons why using the Hashport SDK would benefit Hedera-native platforms:

  • It makes interacting with Hashport API much easier;
  • It reduces the risk of submitting an incorrectly formatted transaction;
  • It is framework agnostic, so developers can build the functionality into either the backend or frontend of their dApps.

The react-client package is an example of how to use the SDK on the frontend and further simplifies integration into the dApp’s frontend.

Anyone can install the react client, As an option, install @rainbow-me/rainbowkit and wagmi if you plan to develop with RainbowKit, or HashConnect if you plan to develop with HashPack.

Although users can access Hashport resources via the front end, the addition of an API empowers developers to integrate the backend HP swarm services on their terms. Full documentation of the Hashport API can be found at

We have previously published a series of blogs about the Hashport API.
Hashport API Series:
1. Introducing the Hashport API
2. Integrating the Hashport API into dApps
3. Using the Hashport API to Port Assets

Feel free to reach out via our contact form or slide into our Twitter (X) DMs if you’re interested in learning more.

Hashport SDK Series:
1. Introducing the Hashport SDK
2. Using the Hashport SDK & React Client
3. Installing and Using the Hashport Widget

About Hashport
hashport is the enterprise-grade public utility that facilitates the movement of digital assets between distributed networks, extending their functionality in a quick, secure, and cost-effective way. In order to remain platform-neutral, hashport functions without the use of a proprietary token. The network is built on a robust and performant architecture, secured and operated by a group of industry-leading validator partners from around the world. hashport has passed rigorous security audits and follows industry best practices; regularly performing comprehensive network tests to ensure the integrity of the network.

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✨Hashport is a public utility enabling fast & secure cross-network token transfers. $HBAR $ETH $MATIC $AVAX $BNB $OP #Arbitrum #Fantom #Cronos #Moonbeam #Aurora