Investment Insights: Tracking Trends for Portfolio Health

My weekly portfolio & automation updates.

Silverbacked Gorilla
Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2024


These are the three most popular types of bots. All of them rerquire the user to know the market trend.

3Commas is the number one trading bot on the market.

- DCA short bots using leverage
- DCA long for up-trending markets
- Grid bots for sideways ranging markets

Not to point out the obvious, but, why don’t they have an automation that algorithmically switches to the best bot triggered by the different market conditions they have described.

This would be a logical primary goal. The novice to intermediate or the busy professional user all share the same desire…

…to make the most money, right?

These bots are just tools, similar to indicators on a chart. AI is only as smart as the questions asked of it even today. Garbage in/garbage out. There remains some technical analysis knowledge required of the user to get the best outcome, and some of these 3Commas bots use margin/leverage and do carry some risk. Some, or all of these options still require the user to know market structure support/resistance levels to work.

The most plausible bot option for noobs is likely their DCA long bot from this list here.

Yet still, we need to be in an up-trending market for that to work.

“If everything boils down in the end to the user needing to know the current market trend. Then why not start there?”
- Silverbacked

Current market trend is one of the fundamental goals of my data reports on portfolio allocation. The crowning achievement is algorithmic time-weighted/percentage-performance triggering, before rebalancing.

Once you know what assets you will be holding for the coming week or beyond, then, you can go provide liquidity or take part in zero fee liquid single asset staking, or combine these remaining assets in a balancer pool in an allocation amount in line with long-term market trends on each individual asset, and with a fully decentralized protocol.🫰

Avoiding losses by dumping assets that are losing value in a portfolio is as vital to using a stop-loss trigger for traders. So too, taking regular profits on green candles not in excess of what the portfolio yields is key to growth over time. The end goal is to have built a portfolio that will defend itself against losses, allows you to take some yield as income, and compounds for growth over time. As opposed to watching in awe as your portfolio multiplies by a factor of ten, only to sit in hope for another rally to take some profit, for it only to fall back to mere fractions of it’s former value in a bear cycle.

This is my portfolio split for some of the major cryptos I will be holding for the next 7-days:

Bought ETH/BTC and BNB/BTC

For those that like percentage split of asset allocation view here is how it looks:

ETH and BNB allcocation has increase at the cost of some of my BTC. This is all based on monthly current trend, and if you are a new reader, I write an update every week.

Until next week, be good.


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[Disclaimer] The opinions expressed are my own, they do not reflect the opinion of any companies mentioned. This is intended as entertainment and education and any advice is general in nature as I do not know your personal circumstances. Seek a professional adviser for personal financial advice and never take investment advice from Gorillas unless they outperform the market!



Silverbacked Gorilla

#NoRoundTrips. Get my long-term trend data report to aid your investing or trading decisions. Trusted by Millionares.