Is Cardano the next big thing in the world, Crypto Currency?

Sundas Anwer
6 min readAug 3, 2022


Why is the crypto market crashing today in 2022?

Over the past years, the cryptocurrency market has been ruling high. On a rollercoaster ride, it is no secret to anyone. And today, in 2022, the market is crashing again.

Firstly, cryptocurrency market capitalization has been steadily declining since early 2018. This is happening for some reasons, including the “ICO winter” when many new projects failed to live up to their expected hype and the general bearishness of the market.

Secondly, there has been a lot of negative news lately about crypto regulation. While some countries have adopted a hands-off approach, others have cracked down hard on the industry. This has made investors nervous, and many have decided to cash out.

Finally, there have been a lot of talks lately about the possibility of a global economic recession. If this does happen, crypto assets will likely be among the first to feel the effects.

It’s been a very tough month for cryptocurrency investors. The total market capitalization of all the digital currencies has plunged from over $800 billion at the beginning of 2018 to around $250 billion.

These are just some reasons why the crypto market is crashing today.

· A few key factors may have contributed to the sell-off in the cryptocurrency markets. First and foremost, there’s been a major crackdown on cryptocurrency exchanges and initial coin offerings (ICOs) in China. It has led to a significant decrease in trading activity, and, as a result, prices have tumbled.

· There’s been a general loss of confidence in cryptocurrencies as an investment asset class. This is partly because many investors got involved in the market without understanding how it works and what they were investing in.

The old saying is: “a fool and his money are soon parted.”

· Finally, there has been a spate of negative news stories around some of the biggest names in cryptocurrency. For example, there have been allegations of fraud at Bitcoin mining giant Bitmain, while Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has been accused of participating in an ICO scam. These stories have made many investors nervous, further reinforcing the idea that cryptocurrencies are a risky investment.

However, it seems like the market will continue to be volatile in the months and years ahead. So, if you’re thinking of investing in any digital currencies, it’s important to do your homework. Knowing the current market to invest in what you can afford to lose is very important. As no one answers why the crypto market is crashing today in 2022.

But there are a few possible explanations:

  1. The “too good to be true” hype around cryptocurrencies may have finally caught up with investors.

2. The market could be experiencing a “correction” after a period of rapid growth.

3. Regulatory uncertainty could be spooking some investors.

4. Or, it could simply be that the market has reached a saturation point and is now heading for a more sustainable level of growth.

Whatever the reason, it’s clear that the crypto market is going through a rough patch right now. But it’s also worth noticing that the crypto market has been incredibly volatile since its inception, so this could simply be another bump in the road.


What is Ethereum?

There are many different predictions about Ethereum, the cryptocurrency built on the ethereum blockchain. They believe that Ethereum’s smart contracts will revolutionize various industries, making them more efficient and transparent. Some say it will be the next big thing, while others believe it will eventually fizzle out.

Here are a few popular predictions about Ethereum:

1. Ethereum will become the dominant cryptocurrency

This is a popular prediction among ethereum enthusiasts. They believe that ethereum has the potential to overtake Bitcoin as the world’s most popular cryptocurrency. This could happen if more businesses start using ethereum for their transactions.

2. Ethereum will suffer from scalability issues

Scalability is a major issue for ethereum. The ethereum can currently only handle a limited number of transactions per second. This could limit its growth in the future as more people start using ethereum for their transactions.

3. Ethereum will become a major player in the global economy

This is a long-term prediction that ethereum will become a major force in the global economy. This could happen if ethereum is adopted by businesses and governments worldwide.

4. Another cryptocurrency will replace Ethereum

There is always the possibility that another cryptocurrency could come along and replace ethereum. This could happen if ethereum fails to solve its scalability issues or if another cryptocurrency offers better features or benefits.

5. Ethereum will still be around in 10 years

This is a more conservative prediction, but ethereum may still be around in 10 years. Ethereum has a strong community of supporters and developers, and it may find a way to solve its scalability issues. Even if ethereum doesn’t become the dominant cryptocurrency, it could still play a major role in the global economy.

What is Cardano?

Cardano is a cryptocurrency that is similar to Ethereum. It is a platform that allows for the creation of decentralized applications (dApps). Cardano also has its native token, ADA. The price of ADA has been on the rise in recent months, and many believe that it has the potential to reach new highs in the coming years. Here are some predictions for the price of ADA in 2025 and 2030.

Cardano price prediction 2025

In 2025, the price of ADA could reach $10. This would be a significant increase from its current price, but it is still within the realm of possibility. According to experts, Cardano has been one of the most active cryptocurrencies in development, and its team is constantly busy working on new features and improvements. If the team can continue delivering on its promises, then the price of ADA could reach new highs in 2025.

Cardano price prediction 2030

In 2030, the price of ADA could reach $100. This would be an extremely ambitious goal, but it is not impossible. Cardano has a lot of potentials, and if it can realize its full potential, the price of ADA could reach unprecedented levels. Only time will tell whether Cardano will be able to reach such heights, but the future looks bright for this cryptocurrency.

Is Cardona A Good Investment?

If you’re wondering whether Cardano is a good investment, you’re not alone. Many people are trying to figure out which cryptocurrency is the better option — ethereum or Cardano. While both currencies have pros and cons, it is tough to say which is better. However, we can look at key factors to help make a decision.

Cardano vs. Ethereum: The Pros

sustainable business model. Cardano focuses on creating a decentralized ecosystem that can be used by businesses and organizations. This means there will be less need for central authorities, which can help reduce corruption and fraud.

Cardano has a more experienced team. The team behind Cardano includes Charles Hoskinson, one of the original co-founders of ethereum. This gives Cardano a lot of credibility in the cryptocurrency world.

Finally, Cardano has a lower price point than ethereum. This makes it more accessible for people just getting started in cryptocurrencies.

Cardano vs. Ethereum: The Cons

Now, look at some of the cons of these two cryptocurrencies. One downside of Cardano is that it’s still in development. This means that some features aren’t yet available. For example, Cardano doesn’t currently have smart contracts.

Another con of Cardano is that it’s not as widely accepted as ethereum. This means that there are fewer places where you can use Cardano.

Finally, Cardano has a lower market cap than ethereum. It isn’t as valuable as ethereum and could be more volatile.

Hence, The Bottom Line is Cardano is a good investment. If you’re looking for a more sustainable business model and an experienced team, then Cardano may be a good option for you. However, if you’re looking for a more widely accepted cryptocurrency with a lower price point, then ethereum may be a better choice.

