Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2024
Is Your Money Choice the Key to Financial Freedom?

In the world of finance, there lies a debate,
Whether to trust in the state or in decentralized fate.
Should we use government-issued money as our tool,
Or turn to Bitcoin, the people’s own rule?

The state claims to protect and to provide
A centralized system in which we all abide.
But with inflation and corruption to contend
Can we truly trust in money they send?

Bitcoin, on the other hand, is a form of currency,
Owned by the people, free from government scrutiny.
Its blockchain technology secure and transparent,
A decentralized system that’s truly apparent.

But with volatility and uncertainty in the air
Is Bitcoin truly a currency that’s fair?
Its value fluctuates wildly day by day.
Can we truly rely on it as our pay?

The state offers stability and control,
A system that’s worked for centuries on the whole.
But with power concentrated in the hands of a few
Is it time for a change, for something new?

Bitcoin offers freedom and independence,
A currency owned by the people, a powerful presence.
But with challenges and hurdles to overcome,
Is it truly the future, or just another outcome?

So as we ponder this choice of currency,
Owned by the state or by the people, which will it be?
Let us choose wisely, with care and with thought
For the future of money is a battle to be fought.

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