Lido, Curve, Yearn and Zapper. How should you stake your ETH?

Sze(‘Z’) Wong
5 min readMar 13, 2022


Photo by Kanchanara on Unsplash

A year ago Zapper added a feature where you can Zap your ETH directly into a Yearn vault. Creating a one-click yield farming strategy that many deemed to be a standard for long-term ETH holders.

One year later, with the yield in from Lido, Curve and Yearn all changed, I’d like to look at the situation again.

Assuming you have 10 ETH. Is Zapping them into the Curve stETH (v2) vault still the best DeFi strategy?

First, some background. You can skip this section if you are already familiar with Lido, Curve and Yearn.


Lido allows you to stake your ETH into ETH2.0 without needing the 32 ETH minimum to run your own validator. Currently, the stake reward is 4.3% APR. This reward is lower than one can earn by directly staking into a ETH2.0 validator. The advantage of staking with Lido is that ,

  1. You can stake with any balance of ETH
  2. It’s much easier…



Sze(‘Z’) Wong

Serial entrepreneur, AI inventor, author and educator. CEO@Zerion Software, Co-founder@Zenith Venture Studio