Life Emerges

5 min readJun 23, 2022


Part Ⅰ of Chapter Two The Web 3.0 Organism is Rising


  • Organisms emerge in two distinct ways.
  • Human intelligence solves problems and promotes human evolution with tools.
  • Web 3.0 is a turning point to steer human civilization toward out-of-controllness.
Photo by <a href=”">Greg Rakozy</a> on <a href=”">Unsplash</a>

Little drops make the deep turbulent pool, vigorously running all the way long. Air current brings the whistling wind, passing across the mountains and the oceans. Organism emerges from its origin. So does the birth of all things.

What is Emergence?

Individuals in a system follow simple rules. New attributes or rules arise on the system level, as local interactions promote the birth of a whole system. This qualitative change on top of quantitative change explains how emergence occurs. It doesn’t interfere with the rules of individuals but cannot be justified by those rules either. We understand that all varieties emerge, as cells divide and split into trees, whales, or humans. But the scope and boundary for organisms remain broad. In the last article, we have offered our readers a brief concept for the book Out of Control and the “hive mind” theory. Bees also emerge. For two distinct organisms, their ways of emergence are categorized into two levels.

On the first level, organisms originate as molecules interact, each observing its own physical law. As molecules gather, the protolife rises above the whole group. Life is not reflected in the physical attributes of a single molecule, which is in no position to give order to any other molecules. All processes and mysteries can only be traced during the interaction of systems.

On the second level, one drop of water is not enough for a whirlpool to appear, just as one pinch of sand is not enough to hatch an avalanche. Emergence requires a population of entities, a multitude, a collective, a mob, and more. This emergence in the flock forms a swarm model. In an ant colony, a single ant can only think plainly with its simple nervous system. However, when a large number of ants interact, a hierarchy forms. Studies have proven that queen bees don’t give direct orders to workers, and not a single ant knows the map of the whole kingdom. Simple rules guide ants to forage, build nests, divide work, etc. The ant kingdom is an emergent thing built upon the whole ant colony.

To sum up, the first level is the emergence of any species, while the second level is the emergence of life forms within any collective system. Among those, human beings emerge as the most important organism as the planet evolves.

Intelligence Emerges inside the Human Society

Today, over 30 million new species have come into being compared with 4 billion years ago. We believe that human beings will not be the final form of evolution. Evolution spreads and reaches worldwide like radio waves. Whether human beings or other species, we share a similar trajectory over the last 4 billion years. Human beings, however, stand out among all species. We invent technologies and explore the unknown as human civilization leads us. Gradually, human intelligence arrives along the way. I agree this is the final destination for human evolution. Human intelligence creates possibilities and new forms of existence in the most unique way.

Human intelligence solves problems but also faces challenges and obstacles. Humans break barriers through tools, algorithms, and data. The concept, however, shall carry a broader meaning. Any machine or things that walk us out of the woods fast fall into this category.

The steam engine ushered in the Age of Steam when steam power facilitated mechanical work. The light bulb welcomed the Age of Electricity when electricity lit up the indoor environment. The computer announced the Age of the Internet when human communications and social interactions got easier. I’m not a physicist. I just want to highlight how the computer has greatly transformed our lives. The computer is a product of advanced intelligence as well as a major tool for human evolution. In my mind’s eye, how the human society and even worldwide beings may eventually exist will emerge under the influence of the computer. We will work in a decentralized manner while striking a balance between physical and virtual existence. By then, human civilization will make an epic leap.

The Emergence of Web 3.0

Evolution never pauses. The computer makes human intelligence shine in various ways. Previous articles have already drawn trajectories for software, blockchain, as well as Web 3.0, all of which emerge as human society moves forward.

Civilization will eventually lose control. Things emerge as evolution steers the way. The centralized world will gradually pass the torch to decentralization. Web 3.0, not the final form of life, will take a pivotal step and reshape how power/authority is possessed. Bees flock as flowers blossom. Seekers gather as the blockchain technology booms, Bitcoin circulates, and the Ethereum community vibrates. Gradually, communities sprout one after another. Some write codes, some spread knowledge, some socialize, and some simply exist. They develop, supply, and reflect all by themselves. This is how Web 3.0 emerges.

*What does the Web 3.0 organism look like? I will explain my thoughts on this in a whole new Chapter The Web 3.0 Organism is Rising which includes three parts: the birth, existence and my thinking on this burgeoning organism. Remember that we’ve posted three pieces of writing on NetX(👇)? They all belong to Chapter One The Background. And we try to sew them together in a well-connected way. Everytime enter a new chapter, we feel so excited to share our findings and thoughts. Please join us in this journey!

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