Aksha Agarwal
Published in
4 min readJul 20, 2023


Here you go, selling Polygon NFTs on OpenSea involves a few steps, including setting up a wallet, minting your NFTs, and listing them on the OpenSea marketplace. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

  • Set up a Polygon wallet: To start, you’ll need a wallet that supports the Polygon (formerly known as Matic) network. You can use wallets like MetaMask, Trustwallet, Fortmatic, or Portis, which allow you to interact with decentralized applications on the Polygon network.
  • Fund your wallet: Ensure you have enough funds in your Polygon wallet to cover the minimal transaction fees (gas fees) required for minting and interacting with smart contracts. (POV - Polygon gas fee is really low while compared to Eth gas fees)
  • Create your NFT: Before you can sell an NFT, you need to create one. There are various ways to create NFTs, but for Polygon, you’ll likely use a platform or a smart contract that supports the Polygon network for minting. Some popular platforms include Mintable (https://mintable.app/) and Rarible (https://rarible.com/).
  • Connect your wallet to the NFT minting platform: Go to the chosen NFT minting platform and connect your Polygon wallet (e.g., MetaMask) to the platform. This will allow the platform to interact with your wallet for creating and managing NFTs.
  • Mint your NFT: Follow the instructions on the platform to mint your NFT. You’ll typically need to upload the NFT’s image, set a title, description, and determine any royalty fees you wish to receive when the NFT is sold by others in the future
  • Await confirmation: After you initiate the minting process, you’ll need to wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the Polygon network. This should only take a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on network congestion.
  • Verify your NFT on OpenSea: Once your NFT is minted, verify that it’s visible and owned by your wallet address on the OpenSea platform. Go to OpenSea (https://opensea.io/) and connect the same Polygon wallet to OpenSea. Your recently minted NFT should appear in your wallet’s collection on OpenSea.
  • List your NFT for sale: On OpenSea, select the NFT you want to sell from your collection and click on it. Then, click the "Sell" button. Set your desired price for the NFT and choose whether to sell it in an auction-style (with a starting bid and expiration time) or as a fixed price listing.
  • Finally, Confirm the listing: Confirm the listing on OpenSea, and your NFT will now be publicly available for purchase on the marketplace.
  • Promote your NFT: After listing your NFT, consider promoting it on social media, NFT communities, and other platforms to increase visibility and attract potential buyers.
    Remember to keep track of your listings, respond to inquiries, and manage your NFTs accordingly. Selling NFTs can be an exciting process, but it’s essential to stay informed about the ever-changing NFT space to maximize your opportunities. Good luck with your Polygon NFT sales!

Cheers! Do check out my NFT portfolio here : https://opensea.io/aksh10



Aksha Agarwal

Talks about #crypto #nft #web3 #strategies #skills - open for gigs - reach out to me on aksha.agarwal08@gmail.com