Lunifty Launches

But that doesn’t mean you have to wait. Our gallery is ready to explore.

Published in
4 min readMar 10, 2022


Lunifty is a place to network with artists and collectors, attend events or just hang out in the Moon’s first virtual art gallery.

The Mission

Build an Online, virtual art gallery through which we will:


Support Artists and

Host Events


NFTs are a multi-billion dollar industry that only started gaining popularity outside of the blockchain industry in the last couple years.

The NFT industry is estimated to have surpassed 41 billion dollars in 2021

The highest grossing NFT sold for 93 million

Despite the massive growth in the business of NFTs the knowledge of what they are and how they work has been lacking, especially in North America where it’s estimated approximately 70% of Americans either haven’t heard of non-fungibles tokens or don’t know what they are.

Of the population who could describe an NFT, opinion is largely negative with close to 60% believing they are merely used for scams and money-laundering.

We, the Artists, know otherwise.

We use NFTS to sell our art on a worldwide market without worrying about currency conversions, regional taxes and fees or shipping charges. To us, NFTs provide a needed and necessary way to support ourselves and our continued creativity.

Since the inception of non-fungible tokens we have seen a rapid increase in their versatility, from mere images to:

Sport Event and Concert Tickets

Metaverse Assets

Digital Art




Well known artists are catching on and releasing their albums as NFTS to take advantage of this highly secure and open platform.

What we did…

NFTs can send your art anywhere in the world, but what about the culture? Art shows and events are a huge part of the culture around art and music. They’re a way for the community to meet and get to know the people they’re supporting and for artists to share and learn with each other.

So we did that. We built a 3D gallery which can be easily accessed from anywhere in the world where we display art, stream music and host events.

How did we do it?

The first step was to make sure we could build the gallery. For that, the worldbuilders at Metahood put forth the best proposal: Build with Mozilla Hubs — an open platform that champions privacy and supports a huge community of artists, 3D builders and users with their incredibly versatile tech.

From there 3D artists built the Gallery over months of testing and feedback. In the end we have a Virtual Gallery which has been optimized for minimal hardware and network requirements. It’s accessible and it looks GREAT.

50,000 polygons would have met the requirements of more than half of internet users and they got it down to 23,000. They continue to experiment with compression and upgrades in technology to make sure the Lunifty Gallery will always remain as open as possible to our community.

Next, the ART

At Lunifty we think each artist should have a say in how they’re represented, so each commission and acquisition is discussed openly and with respect for the creative process.

We’ve found that many artists want to get involved in NFTs but the educational barriers are huge and getting cryptocurrency, if you don’t already have it, can be a difficult in many parts of the world.

This is the story for the majority of artists we represent, all of whom are fairly compensated for their work, receive a portion of sales and get support in creating their own NFT profiles. This is how we help make NFTS more accessible and encourage the growth of the community as a whole.

What can we do for you?

Want to explore? Our platform is free. You can hop in and check it out at

Want to learn more? Our Discord door is always open. Ask questions, share your thoughts and find out what we plan to do next.

Want to use our space? Let us know. Whether it’s for an event, conference, meeting or to host your own art show we’re happy to work with you.

Are you an artist who wants to get into NFTS? That’s what we’re here for. Jump on the discord or DM us on social media and we’ll answer any questions you may have.

The Future

We’ve just launched for the moon but that doesn’t mean our plans end there, we’re already working on getting our gallery into the metaverses and building our own NFT platform.





The First Virtual Art Gallery on the Moon. @Lunifty on twitter. Luniftyart on Instagram. Join our Discord at