Mantle Journey — Embark on Season Alpha

Everything Blockchain
5 min readSep 20, 2023


Season Alpha of Mantle Journey offers 20M MNT Reward Pool.

On the outside, it may appear to be directly related to the time & funds, let me save you both to achieve the best results.

Let’s talk best strategies to maximize miles and achieve a better average in miles per transaction (from newbies to experienced farmers).

Remember each mile counts!

Choose the one that makes sense for you.

The question is, are you ready to make it happen & churn those Miles?

Mantle Journey

While projects have mostly rewarded users through conventional airdrops in the past, there is a growing shift towards a more engaging and long term reward approach.

Mantle Journey is an example of such an approach.

The purpose extends beyond the ordinary to stimulate innovative methods for nurturing ecosystems & communities, both in the off-chain & on-chain domains. Besides the pilot, the program will consist of multiple seasons with dynamic miles calculation & reward calculation rules.

Mantle Journey Miles

All your on-chain & off-chain activities and interactions on Mantle Network are indexed and converted into Journey Miles.

Miles will unlock numerous benefits, the first being the season alpha’s reward pool of 20 million MNT.

Each mile counts!

Activity/ Interaction to Miles Calculator (Explorer’s Expedition Map)

Miles will be linked to MJSBT, a non-transferable digital identity token used to create a Mantle Journey profile.

Check out the Expedition Map Each interaction/activity has a cap.

Social Media Verification (Max 400 MJ Miles per user)

100 MJ Miles Per Account (Max. 4 Accounts)

User Profile Customization

+20 MJ Miles

Participate in Governance

+50–100 MJ Miles (per Event)

Testnet Contributions (Max 500 MJ Miles)

Mantle Network Mainnet Transactions (Max 1,000,000 MJ Miles per user per season)

10 MJ Miles (per On-Chain Transaction)

Max Transactions — 100,000

Interact With Verified Protocols (Max 2,000 MJ Miles per interaction type per user per season)

20 MJ Miles (per Liquidity Interaction) + 50 MJ Miles (per Bridging Interaction)

Max Transactions Bridging — 40

Max Transactions Liquidity — 100

Deposit or Bridge Assets to Mantle Network (Max 300,000 MJ Miles per user per season)

1 MJ Mile per $500 Worth in Assets

Hold $MNT Tokens (Max 150,000 MJ Miles per user per season)

1 MJ Mile per 500 $MNT or $WMNT Held in the wallet

Explorer’s Expedition Map Key (Strategies)

At first glance, it might seem like success is solely linked to time and resources.

But allow me to save you both — time and funds — while guiding you towards achieving exceptional results.

Social Media Verification

Mint Your MJSBT (Mantle Journey SBT)

Link at least one social media account to your profile (For every verification, you’ll receive 100 MJ Miles. For now, only X/Twitter verification is available).

Customize Your Profile!


Link X/Twitter

Earn — 120 MJ Miles

Secondary Wallets (add secondary wallets including a Multisig)

You can add up to 3 secondary wallets. And your miles will be counted summarily for the transactions on these wallets.


Link your other wallets (if you don’t mind doxing). If you do, use burner wallets.

Create a Mantle Multisig wallet. Refer to the guide & add it as one of the secondary wallets.

Execute cheaper txns on L2.

Participate in Governance

Delegate and vote in order to earn delegation and voting miles

50 MJ Miles for every vote cast on Mantle’s Snapshot

Delegation is capped at 200 MJ Miles per user per season

Earn — 2000 MJ Miles

Mantle Network Mainnet Transactions

Transfer funds between your primary and linked wallets (transfers cost less gas).

Deploy an NFT contract/launch your NFT collection.

Use this opportunity to complete quests on Zealy, QuestN, and Galxe and earn rewards in addition to miles.

Interact With Verified Protocols (Max 2,000 MJ Miles per interaction type per user per season)

Verified Protocols

Liquidity — FusionX, Lendle, iZUMi, Reax, Gamma, AGNI, and,

Bridging — Orbiter or Mantle’s Mainnet Bridge

Liquidity Strategy

Use all the above-mentioned dapps for liquidity.

Every type of transaction counts (swap, liquidity deposit/withdraw, stake/unstake, borrow/lend, collect fees, boosts, vest, harvest, etc.).

Making 100 transactions on the above-mentioned liquidity protocols won’t cost much in gas and earn you 2000 MJ miles.

Bonus — Using the above protocols might also make you eligible for their tokens/grants.

Bridge Strategy

Use both Orbiter and the Mantle Mainnet Bridge.

Orbiter costs about 0.05E for a bridge transfer (costly if you intend on making small transfers).

Mainnet bridge also needs ETH to be spent on Mainnet to claim the bridged ETH.

Workaround — Carry out the bridge transactions by transferring extremely small amounts (0.001 USDT/0.001 MNT) from Mantle to Mainnet without claiming it on Mainnet.

Spend less than 40 cents for 40 transactions (plus gas) and earn 2000 MJ miles.

Consider it might flag you as Sybil farmer though (but, hey! What do I know?)

Calculations & Tips

Season Alpha Reward Pool — 20M

SBTs minted so far — Excess of 122K

Average per wallet (of course this will depend on the miles) — 160 MNT roughly

The intent is to spend as little in gas and fees as possible to maximize MJ miles.

Ensure reward to cost ratio makes sense and not spending excessively on verified protocols in comparison to non-verified protocols (means the amount of gas fee should not be more than 3 times than the non-verified protocols).

Carry out transactions when gas fees are the lowest. Use the gas fee tracker.

Keep tracking your progress on the Mantle dashboard.

Here’s a thread that I have made about the Season Alpha of the Mantle Journey.

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Everything Blockchain

Freethinkers, Writers, Blockchain explorers in pursuit of simplifying the different blocks of the chain metaverse.