Mastering Financial Art: Braavos Daily Spending Limit Feature

Stanislav Doroshenko
3 min readJun 23, 2024


Imagine a world where managing your finances is to creating a masterpiece or crafting a gourmet meal. Each brushstroke, each ingredient meticulously chosen to create a perfect blend of security and efficiency. Welcome to Braavos, where your financial management becomes an art form, beautifully orchestrated by the Daily Spending Limit feature.

Braavos - Starknet Wallet

The Palette of Daily Spending Limit: What Is It and How Does It Work?

The Daily Spending Limit is like the palette for an artist, setting the tone for how much you can spend within a 24-hour period. Just as an artist controls the hues and strokes, you can control your spending, ensuring each transaction is purposeful and within your desired limits.

This feature allows you to set a daily cap on your spending, giving you the freedom to make multiple small transactions without the fear of overspending. Think of it as budgeting your paint, ensuring you have enough to complete your masterpiece without wastage.

How It Works:

  • Setting the Limit: You determine the maximum amount you can spend daily. Once this limit is reached, any further transactions will either require additional authentication or be postponed until the next day.
  • Integrated Security: This feature works in tandem with Braavos’ robust security measures, including two-factor (2FA) and three-factor authentication (3FA).

Highlighting the Benefits: The Fine Brushstrokes

Low Fees: The Secret Ingredient

Much like a chef selecting the finest ingredients, Braavos leverages Starknet’s low transaction costs, making small, frequent transactions cost-effective. Just as you wouldn’t want to waste money on overpriced ingredients, you wouldn’t want to overspend on transaction fees. Braavos ensures your everyday financial transactions are as economical as possible.

High Security: The Guarded Gallery

Imagine your wallet as a priceless art gallery. Each transaction is a valuable piece of art that needs protection. With the Daily Spending Limit, enhanced by 2FA and 3FA, your transactions are secured as if guarded by the best security systems. Unauthorized access becomes nearly impossible, providing peace of mind.

Phishing Protection: The Master’s Guard

Just as an artist protects their work from theft, Braavos shields your funds from phishing attacks. The Daily Spending Limit acts as a safeguard, ensuring that even if an attacker gains access, the damage is limited to your set daily limit. It’s like having a built-in security detail for your digital finances.

Real-World Application: The Culinary Delight

In the culinary world, precision and control are key. Similarly, the Daily Spending Limit allows users to optimize their transactions. For instance, if you enjoy frequent small purchases or need to manage recurring payments, setting a low daily limit ensures you stay within budget without compromising on convenience. It’s akin to planning your meals, ensuring you have just the right amount of ingredients for each dish.

Braavos Exclusive: The Signature Dish

Braavos’ Daily Spending Limit is like a signature dish in a renowned restaurant — unique and unparalleled. Unlike other wallets, Braavos combines this feature with Starknet’s advanced security and cost-efficiency, making it a standout choice. It’s the perfect blend of innovation and reliability, much like a chef’s special recipe that you won’t find anywhere else.

Adjustable Thresholds: Tailoring the Recipe

Every artist and chef knows the importance of customization. The Daily Spending Limit offers adjustable thresholds, allowing users to tailor their security settings. Whether you need a higher limit for certain days or a lower one to curb spending, Braavos gives you the flexibility to adjust as needed, ensuring your financial management is as dynamic and adaptable as your lifestyle.


Your Financial Masterpiece

With Braavos, managing your finances is no longer a mundane task but a creative endeavor. The Daily Spending Limit feature transforms financial transactions into a well-orchestrated masterpiece, combining security, cost efficiency, and flexibility. It’s time to embrace your inner artist and chef, and let Braavos help you create a financial masterpiece.

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