Mastering the Market: 10 Commandments for Trading Success

Published in
2 min readNov 20, 2023


Date: 20/11/2023

Plan it Out:

Before diving into the trading frenzy, create a blueprint! Test your genius ideas without risking your piggy bank through historical data — it’s like trying on different outfits before a big night out.

Business, Not Hobby:

Trading is not a casual fling; it’s a serious relationship! Treat it like a business venture, not a fleeting hobby or a 9-to-5 job. Embrace the risks, costs, and uncertainties with a savvy business owner mindset.

charts of an idiot

Tech is Your BFF:

In this high-stakes game, tech is your best pal. Charting platforms, backtesting tools — they’re your secret weapons! Stay savvy with the latest tech trends; it’s like having a shiny new gadget in a playground of opportunities.

Guard Your Gold:

Your trading funds are like treasure. Protect them! It’s not about dodging losses (they’ll happen), but about being smart and preserving your treasure chest for another day of plundering the markets.

always guard your gold

Eternal Student:

Consider yourself a lifelong student in the school of markets. Be Sherlock Holmes — research, observe, and deduce. Even the weather can affect the markets! Stay curious, my friends.

Risk Smartly:

Only bet what you can afford to lose. Don’t bet the house or the college fund; that’s a no-no. Losing hurts less when it’s not money meant for groceries or rent.

Facts over Fables:

Your trading plan needs to be more ‘Sherlock’ than ‘Wishful Thinking.’ It’s like getting a degree — it takes time and real, hard facts, not those internet get-rich-quick schemes.

Stop That Loss:

Imagine a safety net while tightrope walking — that’s your stop loss! It’s your ‘get out of jail’ card in trading, saving you from a market nosedive.

Know When to Retreat:

Retreat isn’t failure; it’s a strategic move. If your plan’s sinking or you’re not feeling your trading mojo, step back, recalibrate, and come back stronger.

Keep it Real:

Embrace the rollercoaster of wins and losses. Celebrate the wins, learn from the losses, and stay focused on long-term success. Dream big, but Rome wasn’t built in a day!

Remember, trading isn’t a sprint but a marathon. Follow these playful rules, and you might just outwit the market!




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