Memecoins and the Future of Finance: How $Bozo is Connected to Everything

19 min readJan 29, 2024


The $Bozo logo.

This article is a continuation of the previous articles of the last week. Some say that news is “the first draft of history.” I am trying to share the news that I have seen in the memecoin ecosystem of the last three weeks.

TLDR; There is a coordinated conspiracy going on between the major players of crypto and $Bozo is merely the tip of the iceberg.

Like I mentioned in the last article, I don’t expect everyone to read this nor understand it. Because of the “expediency” of events unfolding, I am merely trying to get this out before it comes to a point that potentially nothing can be done.

In the first article from Jan. 22nd, I make the argument that major bot activity was going on in the $Bozo chart and across the entire memecoin ecosystem. I still believed that it was external to the Bozo project at the time. I was transparent about beginning to derisk and take money out of the project.

Before the second article was released, I made the call on Twitter that the project was fraudulent and that it would slowly “rug pull” taking whatever liquidity was still in the token out. I then posted the second article explaining why I made this call. Firstly, as someone who worked hard to bring new people and money into the project, I had to make this call to protect myself. If I had done this at a later time, it would have been too late.

My argument after the second article is that Bozo has merely been biding their time to where two events can occur to continue to prop them. They are waiting for the $JUP injection, which will give them a large amount of capital to prop the token, and they are waiting for a major CEX (centralized crypto exchange) to list them. This will give them the catalyst and the liquidity to continue to create the facade of success.

I will now attempt to define for the non-crypto-literate reader many of the topics that will be discussed in this article. And how memecoins are essentially what all of these major companies are banking on to help them increase their own profits going forward.

What are Memecoins?

Memecoins are a new form of token, based on many chains, but primarily thriving in the Solana ecosystem. They are basically tokens with memes attached that give upstart communities something to meme about to spread awareness. In my previous article, I discuss the fraudulent means that are going into painting the perception of value in memecoins.

What is Solana?

Solana is a blockchain amongst many that is different in that it allows near zero-fee transaction fee costs. This is different from Ethereum blockchain in that ETH has major gas costs which make transactions and profit potential more costly.

According to Wikipedia: Solana is a blockchain platform which uses a proof-of-stake mechanism to provide smart contract functionality. Its native cryptocurrency is SOL.

Solana was launched in 2020 by Solana Labs, which was founded by Anatoly Yakovenko and Raj Gokal in 2018. The blockchain has experienced several major outages, was subjected to a hack, and a class action lawsuit was filed against the platform.

What is Phantom?

Phantom is the largest Solana cryptocurrency wallet in existence.

According to this article from BeInCrypto, Phantom wallet is a non-custodial Web3.0 wallet, and it is the most popular cryptocurrency wallet for the Solana blockchain. Most new crypto users haven’t heard of it, since Solana only launched its mainnet in 2020. But Phantom wallet is mirroring what MetaMask wallet is for the Ethereum blockchain.

What is Jupiter Exchange?

Launched in 2021, Jupiter Exchange was founded by Meow (who will be discussed in this article) and is now the largest DEX or “swap site” for Solana tokens and memecoins in the world.

According to BitTrue, Jupiter Exchange is a decentralized exchange (DEX) designed specifically for the Solana blockchain. It operates as an aggregator, gathering liquidity from various DEXs and automated market makers (AMMs) within the Solana ecosystem.

What is the $JUP airdrop?

It is a large-scale liquidity injection into the Solana memecoin ecosystem from Jupiter Exchange.

According to Decrypt, “The drop — which is set to deliver one billion freshly minted JUP tokens into the wallets of Solana DeFi users — will commence on January 31 at 10:00 am EST, according to an announcement made Monday by Jupiter’s pseudonymous founder, Meow.

Almost a million crypto wallets are eligible to receive funds through the airdrop, according to Jupiter. The platform released a tool last month that allows DeFi users to check how much JUP they stand to receive once the airdrop goes live.”

What are NFTs?

NFT stands for “non-fungible token” and is like a crypto asset that can be an image stored on the blockchains, but that can also have tremendous opportunity for utility. NFT Collections have thrived in the last three years in that they are like membership passes for specific communities that can store value based upon supply and demand.

What are CEX?

They are essentially the markets that cryptocurrencies are traded on by normal investors who would like to use their national currency to trade with.

According to Investopedia, centralized cryptocurrency exchanges are online platforms used to buy and sell cryptocurrencies. They are the most common means investors use to buy and sell cryptocurrency holdings. For most digital currency investors, the centralized cryptocurrency exchange is one of the most important vehicles for transacting.

Putting It All Together

My theory is that all of these entities are connected to the Bozo project in some way. And specifically Meow of Jupiter Exchange. From what we do know about Meow he likes to run “tests” of cryptocurrency creation before his large $JUP distribution occurring in three days on Jan. 31st. He has done this with mockJUP, and now a test from his new launchpad which was only announced a week ago of $WEN on Jan. 26th.

My ultimate argument is that $Bozo and the Bozo Collective was also some form of “test” unannounced by Meow or the people connected to him. And that the unexpectedness of $WEN on January 26th to inject liquidity into the memecoin system and into $Bozo was coordinated in some way, and done in a rushed manner to prop the token. Many people in crypto Twitter have been asking “Why was $WEN necessary? Especially so close to the $JUP drop?”

I believe all the major players are connected to $Bozo and the memecoin system in general. And that ultimately $Bozo is Meow’s project as they speak the same way on the majority of topics. People have even said in his Discord that he sounds like “Bozo Collective”, to which he replies, “I am a Bozo!” This can mean a few things. It can mean he doesn’t know about Bozo Collective and is just saying “I am a Bozo!” or he does and is not affiliated in any way, or that he actually is a Bozo in that he is in the community and/or supporting its development. This was then shared by Bozo Collective official Twitter, and it generated a small pump in the price at the time.

Jan 22nd.

This establishes an initial connection between the two entities. “You sound like a Bozo founder,” to which he then replies, “I am a Bozo!” Bozo Collective tweeted this image from his Discord soon aftewards.

I believe mockJUP was Meow’s first “hidden” liquidity injection. The token crashed to zero after launch. It was then bought by Bozo founders and distributed throughout the community before a 20x pump occurred soon afterwards. This was either coincidental, and the Bozo founders were merely sending out worthless mockJup, or some type of fore knowledge was given that the token would be revived. I saw screenshots from the Bozo founders distributing this to Bozo holders in the Council Discord sub-channel before the major pump occurred. I no longer have access to Discord to retrieve these screenshots.

The second “hidden” injection came soon afterwards. On the same day Jan. 22nd, that Meow said, “I am a Bozo!”, he announced the new Jupiter launchpad for tokens. On Jan. 25th, the rushed announcement of $WEN came. With a brand-new website, a Twitter that had not posted until Jan. 26th, and an intricate USDC launch system, which he had to do an emergency stream the night before to explain how to buy $WEN, it released the next day. My theory is that he has been using the “cross-trading bots” to steer memecoins for a while and knew he could guarantee an increasing token for liquidity injection into the market and to support $Bozo from free fall. The combination of a new launchpad and tokenomics structure, the massive following that Meow has, bought and paid for influencers hyping the token, and anticipation of $JUP, “guaranteed” that this token would go into the $100 million market cap range.

Website creation date. Twitter was formed in Sept. 2021 however. First tweet Jan. 26th, 2024.

Furthermore, the charts of $Bozo are nearly identical to that of $WEN. $WEN is just a larger $Bozo and in a more sped up time frame.

Notice anything similar? $Bozo was at a $18 million ATH market cap here and $Wen at $140 million ATH market cap. Because $Bozo had initially failed Meow had to launch the “cross-traded multi-account” botted $wen to support it. It is just a larger version of $Bozo, but also a test for $JUP coming in three days.

Meow released a poem as a NFT fractionalized and called it $WEN. My thought on this is that he saw $Bozo failing and needed an immediate way to prop its value. Furthermore, he wanted to do another test on a larger scale of $Bozo but do it himself fully. That perhaps he doesn’t have direct control over everything $Bozo but is connected to the ones that do.

Here is the timing of the $WEN drop in relation to the $Bozo chart and it reaching its recent low. My argument had been that $Bozo was just trying to survive until the $JUP drop by Meow and to get a large CEX listing. I didn’t expect Meow to rush another mini-JUP five days before the $JUP drop.

In this image you can see the time that $WEN was released in coordination with the $Bozo chart, and how with the rush out of $Bozo an unplanned injection was needed to support it from the number of investors as well as insiders who had been selling tokens. Consistent dumps were followed by “cross-trading” bots to give stability on the descent. The release of $WEN is perfectly timed to prop $Bozo from free fall.

As if perfectly timed on the final day of $WEN claim a multitude of brand-new wallets began to pump the price of $Bozo.

I watched the recent interview of Meow on Money Talks with Luke Belmar.

I noticed that he tends to really be defensive about what he and others are doing. He talks about memecoin farms just creating scams out of thin air. He talks about a need for a Global Crypto Exchange, which I assume he as an authority would help run. And he talks about the importance of human energy in communities to create the value for a community token, which is very in line with the development of $Bozo. He also repeatedly uses the term “Bozo” or “I’m just a useless bozo…” which once again could have no connection, but it proves it’s in his vernacular to use on a day-to-day basis.

If you fast forward to near the end of the interview at 1:42:30 he leaves the audience with a long dialogue that is very intriguing, and he argues that “You shouldn’t blame the scammers, you should blame yourself.” To me that is just in general the way that these types of people think. They are attempting to legitimize “scam culture”, when in reality they are the biggest scammers themselves.

That since Meow likes to do “tests” before major launches, like mockJup, $wen, etc., my theory is $Bozo was created by Meow or someone else higher up, believing they could guarantee a valuable currency. Then support them by $JUP, Phantom, etc. to build them into the first SOL BAYC in some way.

In the summer of 2021, with the rise of BAYC (Bored Ape Yacht Club), a new group of holders became, along with CryptoPunks, the authority on what to invest in across Twitter. If you had a Bored Ape that was investing in your project, it gave great legitimacy. The more BAYCs the more legitimate. Ever since then, this system has been in place. But BAYC are slowly on their way out as the price has crashed and the “cool” factor of owning a BAYC has faded away, whereas CryptoPunks has held, because they were never diluted like BAYC, and they are more OG in that they were one of the original NFTs created in 2017.

To me it seems all of these players are attempting to “guarantee” the next BAYC, by fraudulently creating a false “store of value” token that can be traded on CEX from normal investors through their national currencies, which will also be some way to hand-pick who they want their next major influencers and promoters to be on Twitter.

The Phantom Connection

Phantom owns a Bozo Council NFT and position in the Bozo Collective. Whether this was done purely from the Bozo team’s side or with coordination with Phantom, they own a Council. And furthermore have tweeted under Bozo Collective’s tweets multiple times giving Bozo legitimacy.

Here is the Bozo Council that Phantom owns and is on the Bozo Council website:

And here is the official Phantom twitter commenting underneath Bozo Collective’s posts to give it legitimacy.

My theory since then is they are merely biding time until $JUP from Meow is released, which will be a huge stimulus not only to $Bozo but to the whole memecoin system itself, which his company and Phantom make a ton of money off of. Essentially without memecoin season, Jupiter Exchange and Phantom would have a much smaller revenue and profit.

The day after my second article was released, many people begin to leave Bozo Collective. This same day the Bozo team and Meow both had some form of emergency reaction. The Bozo team did their first AMA ever, which was a train wreck. Meow quickly implemented his $WEN release, and also did a rushed livestream to tell people how to invest. Like I said, the website was created very recently and the first tweet by the official account was on day of launch Jan. 26th.

My theory is that this was a mini stimulant to the whole market but specifically to inject into Bozo. Bozo was in free fall and $WEN was released and this held Bozo up. The day after I wrote a long article on bots in memecoins, he comes out and does a live stream on $WEN and topics such as, “Why you should not hate bots.”

To me the controllers of $JUP/$WEN and $Bozo are the same people or are at minimum being controlled by the same group. …and that matters because? Because they’re ripping off hope. Ripping off the meme culture while hiding behind a mask.

It seems obvious that it is all leading to $JUP and CEX. Bozo is just holding on until both a major CEX is announced and $JUP drop. This catalyst can propel Bozo back into some semblance of “store of value” and when CEX hits it will generate the volume etc. to eventually propel it higher.

Memecoins are like seeds that one day they want to become very valuable and an alternative currency. Through rotation they can support it and just inject worthless inflationary money into the tokens until a later time that they will have further use. Then bribe CEXs so normie traders can trade them as well.

Bozo is essentially a seed trying to sprout into a legitimate commodity that can be traded on CEX.

I believe that they essentially do some form of “rotation support” across all the memecoins. Because these memecoins overtime can in their minds replace stocks, which Meow talks about in his interview above. It’s an unregulated stock market zero fee transaction place for people to anonymously trade tokens or products easily. But they have full control over the price of the majority of memecoins through “cross-trading” technology.

I believe $Bozo was a test run. $WEN is Meow’s version of “doing it himself,” leading to $JUP which will be the big bang of liquidity to prop the market, but them controlling the price ultimately of the whole system. A ton of SOL is coming out of memecoins this past week and Meow is doing all that they can to keep the system afloat.

It seems obvious that someone who controls many of these bot systems in projects throughout the ecosystem do some form of rotation support. This has been breaking down though and liquidity is coming out of the market. So Meow with the rushed $WEN and soon to be $JUP is aiming to support it and to expand it.

The thing about it is that Bozo is too good to be true. Art is too good. No one knew about them, or it seemed that way. No major influencers, etc. It’s like they were being held back until a specific time.

Listen to Bozo Collective’s AMA here. (Although the AMA still exists, the team deleted any tweets mentioning the AMA on both their official Twitter but also the $Bozo Coin Twitter.)

Do you think a 23-day old memecoin developed by Bozo Collective deserves to be listed on five different CEXs? With new CEXs listing at as low as a $4 million market cap recently? These CEXs are bribed by the founders to list their way on to exchanges, and the founders talk openly about this in the Discord.

Do CEXs not have any duty to research or do due diligence in the tokens they offer to their investors or traders to trade?

I was contacted by a partner of one of the largest CEXs called Bitget, who I felt attempted to pay me off in some form. He followed me, convoed this message basically offering me free coins for doing nothing. I responded that I needed time to think about it, and he responded with “Think about it? Offer canceled.” He then unfollowed me. Upon further research this individual is located in Dubai. BitGet is one of the largest CEX in the world and has Lionel Messi as their ambassador.

The Twitter-Elon Musk Connection

I noticed yesterday that both Bozo Collective, Bozo Coin, and $Wen all changed their Twitter profiles to have gold checkmarks. Something that was up until this point, very difficult to achieve. Furthermore, Bozo Coin has a special checkmark of their official logo. I find this strange because major brands like Bitcoin, Doge, and Dogwifhat, are still at blue checkmarks.

Notice those who have taken immediate advantage of getting additional exposure. And also an allowance by Twitter to give illegitimate businesses a paid for credibility.

Either this is a way for illegitimate projects to seem legitimate to other investors, and Elon is allowing it or it is planned and Elon has some form of coordination participation in the creation of this system. Twitter attempted to cover it’s ass by having “plausible deniability” announcing on Jan. 25th they would allow “official organizations” to buy a gold checkmark. Either this was done in some form of coordination, or it was just random. Either way, there is now no way to properly know who is buying legitimacy and who is being given legitimacy by Twitter.

So, one could say that Elon is unaware of what is going on, or that Elon has a flaw in his system of allowing these illegitimate organizations that are creating money out of thin air to have some form of credibility. But usually, Elon doesn’t allow flaws.

Elon has a history of being heavily involved in memecoins with the promotion of Dogecoin for many years. Elon is also in the process of building out a crypto payments system to be used on X or Twitter. Could Elon be in some way helping to develop these memecoins for in the soon to be future used as payment for goods or services? Will Twitter just be the final point of all of these “seeds” of memetic cryptocurrency? That they develop memecoins and guarantee a value by “cross-trading” bots and build communities around them, to then push into CEXs to build volume and legitimacy, with a final push onto the “normies” which will in some form of crypto payments system of memecoins be allowed or facilitated by Musk?

Ever since the second article came out, many people have gotten out of Bozo and have sent me DMs thanking me for what I did. Bozo Collective has continued to act like they are legitimate however and to get new people to invest.

Just as Sam Bankman-Fried painted himself as the legitimate businessman running FTX, just as FTX was represented by major figures such as Tom Brady, just as Sam Bankman-Fried eventually failed because he was just a high-level scam artist, I believe Meow is the current new evolution of these scam artists who paint themselves as legitimate while running highly illegal activities behind the scenes.

There is nothing authorities can do. Except maybe Twitter deleting their accounts, Discord deleting their accounts, Telegram etc. CEX should wake up but they are also not controlled by any authority or those who have control are paid to be silent.

Why is this important?

Memecoins are the wild wild West of currency creation. With a goal of creating an alternate form of exchange other than the major inflationary currencies of the world. I agree with the concept, but disagree with the method that it is being done in terms of the fraudulent and artificial system of giving value to tokens along with favoritism or coordinated support by the major players for a long-term agenda. Jupiter Exchange, Phantom, and Twitter have major interests to see memecoins, along with $Bozo and the Bozo Collective, do well going forward.


  1. This system is built to control the price of a digital commodity and to extract liquidity from traders across the world. If they can manipulate the percieved value of a token on a chart, they can then use this tech to “beat” traders who use technical analysis to predict chart movement. When memecoins become heavily leveraged, or are traded in futures markets, these “cross-trading” bots, just like HFTs, mentioned in the first article, will be able to control the price movement of tokens while extracting investor’s liquidity in a “guaranteed” risk-free way.
  2. They are also attempting to build a new community of influencers like BAYC of 2021. They are attempting to facilitate this by guaranteeing the token will do well. The rest is a facade to bring in “real” investors and community members. To give the “human energy” that is needed like Meow speaks about in his interview. This will be essentially create a new authority of influencers in the crypto Twitter ecosystem.
  3. And lastly to use Twitter as a vehicle to spread memecoins through a crypto payment system. Everything leading up to this is to build the products and markets to give volume and stability. Only when these spread through Twitter as a payment mechanism will they truly have volume to rise and be a long term store of value, that can then replace the old world reserve currency USD overtime. It is either to replace it or to have an alternate form of payments setup, when the powers that be are ready to “crash the dollar” in some way.

Overall, this is just a major criminal organization that’s stepped in and evolved by learning from the criminals of the past in crypto.

If criminals can make tons of money through illegal activity that no one can stop and it is seen as legit, it will corrupt society to its core. It’s the newest form of global counter-fieting, but on an extremely technologically advanced way. This is all an attempt to guarantee wealth extraction from the little guy to the big guy across the world overtime.

Remember Meow’s own words,

“Don’t blame the scammers, blame yourself.”

Update Jan. 29th, 2024 — Noon: (While in the process of finishing this article and publishing it this occurred)

The combination of newly bribed CEX listings, the $WEN bailout to prop and pump the market value of $Bozo, and Twitter legitimizing the whole operation yesterday by all of a sudden selling gold checkmarks has led to this catalyst and liquidity event today, negating the need for the $JUP airdrop and a large CEX listing. Like the second article mentioned, they could manipulate the price and bide time until the “shot” was called to inflate their market value going forward. I have argued that with unlimited capital you can inflate a memecoin to whatever level that you desire. When you have Meow and Elon level social and financial capital even more so.

Thank you for reading this.


Update 2:45 PM, Jan 29th, 2024: After posting the article a follower posted an anomaly that she saw in the $WEN official Twitter link for the burn transaction of unclaimed $WEN. Who was it signed by? None other than BozosOnTop.SOL. The same wallet that was distributing mockJUP to the community before the mockJUP 20x.

SolScan shows the signer of the burn of unclaimed $WEN to be BozosOnTop.Sol … This was either done on purpose to tie the two together, or it was done accidently in a time of haste. You can’t hide from mistakes on the blockchain.


This wallet also distributed mockJUP to Bozo community members prior to the 20x in price.

