Metaverse and six ways it will affect our daily lives.

Is the Metaverse a physical plane we will all move to?

Published in
4 min readNov 18, 2021


metaverse image (source)

On the 28th of October, 2021. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO, and Founder of Facebook made an announcement that Facebook is changing its name to Meta.

Mark Zukerberg Meta announcement (gif source)

This announcement generated a lot of noise on different social media platforms with some expressing concerns about what this means for web 2.0

If you are like me, your first and only knowledge prior to Mark Zukerberg announcement about the Metaverse is probably from Ernest Cline’s 2011 novel-ready player one movie adaptation.

These events sparked my curiosity about Metaverse, so I embarked on research to truly understand what Metaverse truly means and how it will affect our daily lives.

Below are my findings:

The truth is there is no specific definition for Metaverse, different individuals and companies define Metaverse based on what their goals and their stake are and the directions they are moving.

So what then is the Metaverse?

You can think of the Metaverse as a virtual reality where you can meet, chat, hang out with people that are not in your physical space.

But wait isn’t that the same as the internet?

Yes, the Metaverse is a mutation of the internet, an advanced decentralized form of the internet where you can create your own space and invite your long-distance friends to join.

Now that we know what the Metaverse is, how will it affect our daily lives?

The Metaverse is a gradual step-by-step innovation that will keep on evolving as technology evolves.

Below are 6 ways the Metaverse will affect our daily lives:

1: Increased opportunity

You probably saw this one coming, yes, the Metaverse will lead to increased opportunities. Constraints and physical barriers will go away as more economic activity moves online, physical barriers will be a thing of the past, you can be on the moon and work for a company somewhere on earth.

2: Competition

Just as Uncle Ben said in the spider-man movie “with great power comes great responsibility”, Metaverse is saying with increased opportunities comes increased competition.

More opportunity brings more competition. The decentralization of the internet and breaking of physical barriers will bring out all kinds of competitive traits in people. People will begin to try out new skills to fit into the Metaverse thereby increasing the competition.

3: Voiced Opinions

As we have seen with social media, with increased connectivity, more and more perspectives will come online which will lead to an increase in freedom of speech. This increase in connectivity will also lead to more noise. Ability to curate the right information will be crucial.

4: Comparison

As expected, with increased opportunity, competition, freedom, we will get to see a carefully selected life of people in real-time. We will only be able to see the perfect life of others. This could lead to envy and jealousy.

5: Polarization

As scary as this might sound, it is true. With faster reach and connectivity, different ideas will be projected and extended to billions of people worldwide which will lead to people taking sides with ideas they feel fit their philosophy. Tribalism will increase because why change your belief and do the right thing when you can hold your ground and find people who will sympathize and agree with you?

6: Climate change

You are probably surprised to see climate change on the list, well, yes, Metaverse will affect climate change both positively and negatively. Positively because with less need to travel and move around, the carbon emissions will significantly reduce. Negatively because if everyone can play and live in a perfect virtual world, why should we care about our planet and its numerous problems?


Nobody really knows how the Metaverse will play out, but it is certain that there will be a lot of disruption and innovation. The Metaverse is not good or bad on its own but there will be good and bad that comes from it. You could call this an exaggeration of the effect internet has had on the world in the past decade but since the Metaverse will evolve from the internet, these effects are not impossible.




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