Mirror V2-What's new, Walkthrough and Advanced Farming Strategies.

14 min readJul 12, 2021


Copyrighted image of Mirror Protocol

The new version of Mirror protocol, the famous synthetic Assets platform has been launched, bringing in a plethora of updates and improvements to the table.

What is Mirror Protocol?
Investors or traders who are skeptical about cryptocurrencies, who still cannot move their hearts from traditional stock market investments can use the power of synthetic assets in Mirror Protocol.
Mirror protocol trying to solve is that you can buy a set of assets using collaterals and even use those brought mAssets for farming to earn additional income!

Current synthetic assets (mAssets) available to trade in Mirror protocol during the time of this article are mTesla, mFB, mIAU, mABNB, mGOOGL, mSLV, mVIXY, mGME, mAMC, mBABA, mMSFT, mNFLX, mCOIN, mUSO, mTWTR, mGLXY, mETH, mBTC, mGS, mAAPL, mAMZN, mSPY, mQQQ.
New mAssets are added by governance.

Properties of mAssest.

  1. Investors outside the USA can invest.
  2. No issue with the liquidity problem of centralized exchanges.
  3. Completely decentralized.
  4. Investors can use mAssets to farm and get additional income.
  5. You can buy fractional shares




Anything Related to crypto is always under my radar. But none is financial advice. As a guy who dreams decentralized world, let my face remain unknown.