Modern Economic Nonsense — A Wall Street Legend



Everyone believes that Wall Street is a heaven for investments 😇. At least all movies and promotional news portray it to be.

Unfortunately, it is not 🥺.

There are full of traders that try to beat the market — day traders 🤯.

One of the legendary day traders is Jesse Livermore. He is the guy who invented the technical analysis.

Have you ever heard about technical analysis? Sounds fancy 😉?!

It is a fortune teller’s skill to try to predict the market 🔮. Sometimes they were called chart analysis.

An old saying is that 90% of day-traders lose their money because technical analysis is complicated to master 🤑.

However, the real reason is that day trading is 90% of the time not working!

😏 Should I risk betting on that 10% which works?

You should not because only 0.1% of that 10% will make your success. And the rest of 9.9% is just pure luck!

