Modern Economic Nonsense — Bitcoin vs. Real Estate



Banks hate Bitcoin ₿, and they cannot do anything about it. So, therefore, they are joining altogether.

I was not surprised by JPMorgan’s announcement about their Bitcoin investment over the Real Estate investment.

Real Estate has no value. It is expensive not because it is valuable in any rational sense. People kept buying up the real estate because there was government support not to allow it to fail. It is the income stream for the government through taxation and the income stream for the bank to charge through loans.

Does such a process sustainable? Apparently, it does not.

Nations with expensive real estate have their economy stagnate.

Economists try to sell you that it is not a supply and demand issue. The more people buy real estate, does not let the price drive up! It should go down!

Unfortunately, when the price goes down, both banks and the government lose their income streams. It should not allow this to happen!

So people keep buying up the real estate, and the cost of living is skyrocketing. Whoever bought it earlier laughs at people who bought it late. Such lubricated business is about to bust sooner or later.

