Modern Economic Nonsense — Crypto is changing the advertisement business



The digital advertising industry is growing fast. The combined global market is expected to reach $232 billion by 2020, according to Statista. And with the rise of social media and digital content, advertising has shifted from traditional TV ads to online ads, such as those that appear on websites or in mobile apps. In the last two decades, digital advertising has grown rapidly. In 2018, advertisers spent a staggering $123 billion on online ads (excluding video ads). Moreover, the increasing popularity of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram has led to an increase in influencer marketing and native advertising as well. However, at this point and time, there are many issues with current forms of advertisement, from trust and transparency concerns (with regards to users being tracked for targeted ads) to a general annoyance factor among consumers due to over-exposure. This is where Blockchain technology comes into play. With its ability to create trustless networks and tokenize almost anything

What’s wrong with the current state of advertising?

The biggest issue with the current state of advertising is that users are not given an option to opt in or out of receiving ads. In other words, if a user searches for a certain product online and clicks on an…

