Modern Economic Nonsense — Inclusive blockchain



The world of cryptocurrencies has broadened in the past year. With more and more companies adopting blockchain and virtual currencies, the industry has become more inclusive. The blockchain is the digital ledger that records all cryptocurrency transactions. It’s decentralized so no one bank or company controls it. The result is a cheaper, more secure system for recording transactions and a marketplace where anyone can participate regardless of their nationality, gender or economic background. However, not everyone who uses blockchain technology benefits from it equally. There are many people who don’t have access to banking services or credit cards and because of this aren’t able to participate in virtual currency transactions; including those with disabilities, rural residents and those living in developing countries. This article details some barriers that could prevent non-users from using blockchains to their advantage, how you can make your project inclusive while also keeping security as high as possible and how you can ensure users are able to understand your solution easily without needing additional support.

Security issues

Blockchain technology is indeed more secure than traditional bank systems. Bank accounts are only available to a certain number of people and so security can become an issue if someone is able to…

