Modern Economic Nonsense — Inflation becomes irrelevant



Inflation is a joke. It is a show country to put and force everyone to pay for it.

And the government official has missed the remark.

A so-called sophisticated understanding of economics just misses the most important task they only need to perform 🤔?

Or maybe the government did it on purpose?

Why is high inflation beneficial 🤯?

We are taught that low inflation is better because the economy can expand faster through low inflation, and everything is cheaper.

Here are two hypotheses:

📌 inflation is irrelevant
📌 inflation is manipulating

Inflation is irrelevant to the economy rather than fighting for new types of currencies — cryptocurrencies.

Higher the inflation, the higher the value of fiat currency. If cryptocurrencies are an investment like stocks, they will drop into worthless. But it is not the case as Bitcoin is very stable. The current policy sees…

