Modern Economic Nonsense — Next generation of wealth



Personal wealth is now more accessible than ever. It’s easier than ever to start investing, and it costs less than ever to do so as well. The internet has made it possible to invest in stock market directly from your desk and get started with little or no money. However, the way we think about wealth has changed too. It used to be about reaching the top of the financial hill and staying there for as long as possible. Today that approach doesn’t work anymore. Instead of focusing on a single goal, we need to look at new ways to generate income, increase our spending power and build wealth for the future. Wealth is no longer just about having money in reserve for old age; instead it should be used as a tool for enhancing our lives today and tomorrow. The new generation of rich people is those who have flexibility in their careers and can enjoy ample time off from work; they are also those who know how to save money while spending on the things they truly value — like education or travel, or cryptocurrency 😉 — so they can relax when they retire.

Create a new financial identity

As you grow your wealth, you’ll want to create a new financial identity. It’s the idea of having separate accounts for each asset type to help you better understand your wealth. For example, you might want to create an investment account…

