Modern Economic Nonsense — The current stock market wants to go back to 2019 but ignore the technological solution of the future



The current stock market is backward-looking and pessimistic about the future.

The stock market has been the best-selling soap opera in recent years. Every move, every word, and every frown of the economic actors becomes an excuse to move stocks. In this context, we approach the end of 2021 with marked volatility that leaves us with more questions than answers. Will the bear come to attack or will it be a truce? It is difficult to know what will happen in the short term but not so much for those who look one step ahead and see that the trend is clear; technology is here to stay and change our lives forever. Then the sell-off has begun in 2022. Everyone begins to doubt everything they believed in 2021! The current market tries to avoid artificial intelligence, blockchain, big data, virtual reality, etc., as a fad from which we are already emerging but promotes the oil industry and traditional business sectors. It seems like an act of revenge from 2020 that traditional companies were missing out. As if it were normal that their shares would fall after two years of continuous growth in technology companies. But let’s put things into perspective: it is not strange or unnatural for technologies to go through phases of dislocation.

