Modern Economic Nonsense — The market is broadening rug pull everyone



The global stock market has been going through challenging times in recent years, as supply and demand have dipped at different points. However, as is often the case with a volatile industry, this dip has led to opportunities that would not have arisen if the market had stayed at a steady level. The market’s diverse nature means that everyone can find opportunities. So how come the market is from hero to zero within 6 months?

What are the current market trends?

In the first six months of 2022, the stock market was down by 20%. However, the crypto market is down about 70%. The fact that the market is down as fast has never happened in recent history. There is a growing need for non-merino wool, and this is likely to create opportunities for investors. However, the market trend is very negative due to very negative the market sentiment that goes near zero!

The need for change is clear

Why people are so negative about the market trend. One of the reasons, thanks to social media, institutional investors create an illusion that everything is doomed, so they had accumulated money to buy the dip and make retail investors be fools of selling at the low is one of many reasons the sentiment is so low. If the economy is…

