Modern Economic Nonsense — Today’s fear, tomorrow’s cheer



We all knew the economy is going down 👇, and the best thing is you do not have a choice but to go down with it. What if you have an option to choose not to?

The financial world is entering an era of digital transformation, driven by advancements in software, data analytics, and artificial intelligence, as well as the growing adoption of mobile apps and Internet-connected devices. This digital revolution is transforming almost all sectors — including finance. Non-bank FinTech companies are gaining market share by providing innovative digital financial services that respond to the needs of customers in a faster and more cost-effective way than traditional banks. Financial services companies must adapt their business models to compete in this new environment or risk becoming obsolete. Understanding how blockchain is changing finance and accelerating the fourth industrial revolution will give you a clearer picture of how investments might perform in the future. In this article, we explain why Bitcoin has a chance to become the new global reserve currency if you are still worried about the bear market.

Why Bitcoin May Become the Global Reserve Currency

For multiple reasons, Bitcoin has a chance to become the new global reserve currency.

