Modern Economical Nonsense — The Money Problem



Photo by Alexander Popov on Unsplash

There is a problem with your money 💵!

😒 Don’t think so? Hear me out here.

💳 Visa

Credit was introduced in the 1950s.

Everyone thought credit cards would replace money, but they didn’t.

The benefits from credit cards were tremendous.

For users 👤, credit cards take less room, no need to exchange currencies when going abroad, and there is a faster transaction speed and defer payments if you want to.

For authorities 👮, credit cards are traceable and easy to fight for unlawful money activities.

The credit card was cutting-edge technology at the time, but they did not replace cash.

Then a virtual version of the credit card system was introduced: electronic payment system technology.

You can now make payments through a smartphone 📱. That almost makes it accessible to everyone who only owns a smartphone. You do not even need a bank account to pay through your phone.

Cash, on the other hand, makes a transaction anonymous.

Credit cards and cash have co-existed since.

₿ Digital Cash

