Money — A Paper Dream!

The Essence of Money by OpenAi-ChatGPT

Jamen Mendes
Published in
1 min readOct 3, 2023


Image, courtesy of Julius H. (Pixabay)

In the realm of green, the siren’s call,
Money, a dance where shadows fall,
In pockets deep, or bank’s embrace,
It wears a mask upon its face.

A paper prince with powers vast,
In digits and coins, a die is cast,
It whispers dreams, both near and far,
A guiding light, a fleeting star.

Yet in its grasp, a subtle chain,
It molds our joys, our endless pain,
A paradox, this paper dream,
A flowing river, a silent scream.

In vaults and spreadsheets, it takes its throne,
A monarch cold, made out of stone,
It measures worth, it fuels desire,
But can’t ignite the soul’s own fire.

In the chase for wealth, we lose our way,
In pursuit of more, we often stray,
But let us not forget, my friend,
Money’s not where true riches end.

For love and laughter, time well spent,
Are treasures true, by hearts’ consent,
In life’s rich tapestry, let’s find our art,
And let not money tear us apart.



Jamen Mendes

Author, Musician, Metaphysician, and Artist. I write about Crypto, Spirituality, Consciousness, Art, and Reality.