Monks need your help

We added some Zen quotes for no reasons 😃

Gaurav Agrawal
Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2018


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Our Donation addresses-

BTC Address : 3PTpcjWiCJwrPHDFg9598XAPPcTUhVpYSN

ETH Address : 0x2c82E14352e98c931852D9BB5f0760E36942CC3c

Gitcoin Grant

Who we are

Coinmonks is a community built by its writers, readers, and contributors.️ We at coinmonks is a team of 🐼, I have the editorial responsibility and does design for all our projects. I ❤️ building communities (coding was my full-time job) and Uttam ❤️ 🍁 😉.

“Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.”- Alan Watts

What we do at Coinmonks

We find educational blockchain and crypto stories, talk to writers, read stories, and help writers to make stories better, categorize them, curate them and share them with the world. Around 1000 writers contributed more than 3300 stories on Coinmonks 👏 and we are growing fast. We ❤️ our writers and readers.

“This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”- Alan Watts

Why we are doing it

Education is our core value. Everything we do is for the ❤️ of the decentralization and the Idea that it will change the world for good and we believe in it. We know that the crypto market has a lot of FUD and misinformation 😛 and we want to help in educating the community by providing educational content through coinmonks publication.

What you are is what you have been. What you’ll be is what you do now..- Buddha

What we need

We are a Non-promotional and Non-profit publication, We need your help to run this publication so we don’t have to worry about our finances, If you like to read Coinmonks, you can donate us.

“Awareness is the greatest agent for change.”- Eckhart Tolle

Our Donation addresses-

BTC Address : 3PTpcjWiCJwrPHDFg9598XAPPcTUhVpYSN

ETH Address : 0x2c82E14352e98c931852D9BB5f0760E36942CC3c

“Nothing ever exists entirely alone. Everything is in relation to everything else.”

Other platforms

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Please use the comment section to let us know what you think about Coinmonks and how we can improve it and don’t forget to follow us.

