Moralis vs Alchemy vs Bitquery

Coinmonks Team
Published in
9 min readNov 24, 2023


Web 3.0 represents the third generation of the internet, empowering users to manage their personal data autonomously rather than any centralized platform. The pivotal factor facilitating this move towards decentralization is the adoption of blockchain technology. As developers build products like DeFi, dApps, etc, aligned with ideals like privacy and autonomy in the Web 3.0 landscape, platforms like Moralis, Alchemy, and Bitquery have emerged to support them. But how do you select the right backend provider for your project? This article offers an in-depth comparison of the unique strengths of Moralis, Alchemy, and Bitquery across factors like APIs, data handling, smart contract capabilities, community support, and intended use cases.

Importance of choosing the right platform for Web 3 Development

  • Compatibility

Selecting the right platform for Web 3 development ensures compatibility with existing technologies and facilitates interoperability. This enables seamless integration with other blockchain networks and technologies and enhances the overall functionality of the decentralized application (DApp).

  • Scalability

The chosen platform should offer scalability to accommodate growing user bases and transaction volumes. Opting for a platform with robust performance capabilities ensures that the DApp can handle increased demands without compromising speed or efficiency.

  • Community

A thriving community and strong developer support are vital for successful Web3 development. Platforms with active communities provide valuable resources, knowledge-sharing, and collaborative opportunities, making navigating challenges easier and staying updated on the latest advancements.

  • Security

Security is paramount in the Web3 landscape. Choosing a platform with a strong emphasis on security features and a track record of reliability is crucial to safeguarding user data, transactions, and the overall integrity of the decentralized system.

  • Smart Contract

Smart contracts form the backbone of many Web3 applications. The chosen platform should support the development and deployment of smart contracts with features that align with the specific requirements of the DApp. This ensures the efficient execution of automated, trustless agreements within the decentralized network.

Main Agenda: Bitquery vs Moralis vs Alchemy

1. Bitquery

Bitquery is a premier Web3 development platform, providing developers and enterprises with comprehensive access to blockchain data, advanced analytics tools, and a suite of APIs tailored for developing and expanding Web3 applications. Renowned for its robust infrastructure, established credibility, and diverse feature set, Bitquery has emerged as the preferred choice for those engaged in Web3 development.

Key Features of Bitquery

  • Real-time and Historical Blockchain Data: Bitquery offers real-time and historical data from over 40 blockchains, including Ethereum, Bitcoin, Polygon, and Solana. This extensive data coverage gives developers a comprehensive view of the blockchain landscape.
  • GraphQl APIs: Bitquery’s GraphQl APIs provide a flexible and powerful way to query blockchain data. Developers can use GraphQl to build complex data queries and extract specific insights from blockchain transactions.
  • SQL Support: Bitquery also supports SQL, allowing developers with SQL expertise to query blockchain data using familiar syntax. This feature makes it easier for traditional database developers to transition into Web3 development.
  • WebSockets: Bitquery provides real-time data updates through continuous connections using WebSockets. This feature is useful for developing applications requiring real-time blockchain activity monitoring.
  • Cloud Integrations: Bitquery can easily integrate with cloud platforms like AWS and Google Cloud, which make it easy for developers to manage and deploy Web 3 products on the cloud.

Types of APIs Offered by Bitquery

Bitquery offers a variety of APIs that cater to different needs and use cases. These APIs include:

  • DEX API: It provides real-time and historical trade data for over 1 million tokens from over 100 decentralized exchanges (DEXs).
  • Coinpath API: It enables money-tracing investigations and compliance solutions by providing a comprehensive view of funds flow across different blockchains.
  • Digital Assets API: It offers indexed information for all major cryptocurrencies, including address balances, transactions, and token metadata.
  • Blockchain Data API: It provides parsed event data from smart contracts, enabling developers to track and analyze smart contract activity.
  • NFT API: It provides token analytics, metadata, and historical pricing and trading data for NFTs.

What You Can Build Using Bitquery APIs

Bitquery’s APIs can be used to build a wide range of Web3 applications, including:

  • Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs): Developers can utilize Bitquery’s DEX API to develop DEXs equipped with real-time market data.
  • Multi-chain Wallets and dApps: Developers can integrate Bitquery’s APIs into multi-chain wallets and dApps, offering users with real-time account balances, transaction history, and asset tracking across multiple blockchains.
  • Blockchain Analytics and Data Exploration Tools: Developers can leverage Bitquery’s APIs to develop blockchain analytics platforms, offering users insights into market trends, token distribution, and smart contract activity.
  • Fraud Detection and Compliance Tools: Developers can utilize Bitquery’s Coinpath API to build fraud detection and compliance solutions, enabling the tracking of fund movement across different blockchains.
  • NFT Marketplaces and Analytics Tools: Developers can use Bitquery’s NFT API to create NFT marketplaces featuring real-time trading data, token analytics, and historical pricing information.

2. Alchemy

Alchemy is a Web3 development platform offering developers diverse tools and services for constructing and expanding Web3 applications. It encompasses a robust set of APIs, SDKs, and tools tailored for creating applications spanning NFTs, DeFi, and dApps. Renowned brands trust Alchemy for its Web 3 developments, such as OpenSea, Polygon, Royal, and many more.

Key Features of Alchemy

  • Powerful APIs: Alchemy provides a suite of APIs for accessing and interacting with blockchain data, including the Supernode API for high-performance node access and the Transact API for blockchain transactions.
  • SDKs: Alchemy offers software development kits (SDKs) for various programming languages like JavaScript, Python, and Java, facilitating the seamless integration of Alchemy’s APIs into applications.
  • Developer Tools: Alchemy presents a range of developer tools, including a composer for quick dApp bootstrapping and a monitoring dashboard for health monitoring of a dApp.
  • Chains: Alchemy supports diverse blockchains such as Ethereum, Solana, Polygon, and Avalanche, making it versatile for multi-blockchain application development.
  • Proven Track Record: With over 100 billion on-chain transactions processed, Alchemy has delivered over $1.5 billion in royalties to NFT creators.

Types of APIs

Alchemy offers a variety of APIs for accessing and interacting with blockchain data, including:

  • Supernode API: This is Alchemy’s flagship API, which provides access to a wide range of blockchain data and functionality.
  • NFT API: This API is specifically designed for building NFT applications.
  • Transaction Simulation API: This API allows developers to preview transactions before submitting them to the blockchain.
  • Webhooks API: This API provides real-time notifications about blockchain events.
  • Account Kit API: This API makes onboarding new users to Web3 applications easy.
  • Gas Manager API: This API allows developers to cover gas costs for their users.

Types of Dev Tools

Alchemy offers a variety of Dev Tools for debugging, monitoring, and optimizing Web3 applications, including:

  • Create Web3 Dapp: This tool allows developers to bootstrap a Web3 application in just four minutes.
  • Composer: This tool provides an in-browser request sandbox for testing Web3 applications.
  • Account Monitoring: This tool provides a suite of tools for reporting, alerting, analyzing, and monitoring Web3 applications.
  • Transaction Monitoring: This tool allows developers to monitor transactions with a request explorer, request sandbox, and mempool visualizer.
  • AlchemyAI: This tool provides AI-powered tools for Web3 developers.

What You Can Build Using Alchemy’s APIs and Dev Tools

Alchemy’s APIs and Dev Tools can be used to build a variety of Web3 applications, including:

  • NFT marketplaces: Alchemy’s NFT API makes it easy to build NFT marketplaces.
  • Decentralized applications (DApps): Alchemy’s Supernode API provides access to the data and functionality needed to build DApps.
  • Games: Alchemy’s APIs can be used to build games that use blockchain technology.
  • Financial applications: Alchemy’s APIs can be used to build financial applications that use blockchain technology.

3. Moralis

Moralis is a Web3 development platform that simplifies the building and deploying of decentralized applications. It offers a wide range of features and tools to streamline the development lifecycle, from accessing blockchain data to integrating Web3 authentication.

Key Features of Moralis

  • Seamless Blockchain Data Access: Moralis provides a unified interface for accessing data from multiple blockchains, including Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, and Avalanche.
  • Real-Time Data Streaming: Receive instant notifications about on-chain events through Moralis’s Streams API, enabling real-time updates and enhanced user engagement.
  • User-Friendly Wallet Integration: Moralis simplifies wallet integration with its Authentication API, allowing users to sign in to your application using their preferred EVM or Solana wallets.
  • Comprehensive Data Analytics: Moralis offers a suite of data analytics tools, including token analytics, market data, and NFT insights, to gain valuable insights from blockchain data.
  • Robust Documentation and Tutorials: Moralis provides extensive documentation and tutorials to guide developers through the platform’s features and APIs, ensuring a smooth learning curve.

Web 3 Data API

Moralis’s Web 3 Data API provides a comprehensive set of tools for accessing and analyzing blockchain data. It includes the following features:

  • Organized Blockchain Data: Moralis organizes blockchain data into a structured format, making it easy to query and analyze.
  • Discovery API: The Discovery API allows you to discover new and trending tokens.
  • Market Data API: The Market Data API allows the dev to check real-time market data for NFTs, tokens, and more.
  • Price API: The Price API provides real-time crypto prices.
  • Token API: The Token API provides real-time price, transfer, and ownership token data.
  • Blockchain API: The Blockchain API provides block data, transactions, logs, raw and decoded data, transaction labeling, and more.
  • DeFi API: The DeFi API provides liquidity reserves and pair data across multiple blockchains.

Streams API

Moralis’s Streams API enables you to receive instantaneous notifications regarding on-chain events. This robust tool proves invaluable for constructing applications that require real-time responsiveness to changes in the blockchain.

Features of the Streams API:

  • Set Custom Filters: Tailor your filters to receive exclusive events suitable to your application.
  • Stream Live On-chain Data to Your Backend: Moralis will seamlessly stream live on-chain data to your backend in real-time.
  • Boost User Engagement with Real-time Data: Enhance user engagement by delivering timely updates regarding their wallets and applications.

Authentication API

Moralis’s Authentication API allows you to add Web3 authentication to your applications. Users can your applications using their favorite EVM or Solana wallet.

Features of the Authentication API:

  • Cross-chain support: The Authentication API supports a wide range of EVM and Solana wallets.
  • Easy to use: The Authentication API is easy to integrate into your applications.
  • Secure: The Authentication API is secure and reliable.

What You Can Build Using Moralis

  • NFT Marketplaces — Moralis makes it easy to build NFT marketplaces by providing easy NFT metadata indexing, ownership tracking, and listing capabilities via its unified API interfaces.
  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Applications — Developers can access real-time token pricing data and analytics on liquidity pools and farms and exchange data to power advanced DeFi mechanics through Moralis’s DeFi API.
  • Blockchain Games — Moralis enables developers to integrate wallet connectivity, NFT inventory management, and multi-chain transactions into blockchain-based games.

Moralis vs Bitquery vs Alchemy: Conclusion

In summary, Moralis, Alchemy, and Bitquery each have unique strengths as backend providers for Web3 development. Alchemy excels at accelerating the building of dApps and NFT marketplaces through its composable APIs and tools. Bitquery offers unparalleled blockchain data analytics capabilities thanks to its extensive crypto datasets and SQL support.

However, Bitquery is the most versatile option because it provides a comprehensive platform that integrates blockchain’s core components — identity, data, and tokens. Bitquery scales data APIs into a full-fledged ecosystem with historical, realtime and mempool data. Extensive documentation also lowers barriers to entry.

So, while Alchemy streamlines transactional development and Bitquery dominates analytics, Moralis takes a platform view that creativity enables builders most holistically. By end-to-end integrating the pieces of Web3 stacks, Moralis prevails as the premier launchpad for innovators across decentralized sectors like DeFi, NFTs, and gaming.

