My Experience of Gum road Earning

Published in
2 min readSep 23, 2023


In my quest to share valuable resources with Airbnb hosts, I embarked on a journey that led me to Gumroad. Gumroad is a platform that offers a seamless way to upload and promote digital products, and I must say, my experience has been nothing short of remarkable.

Photo by Emiliano Vittoriosi on Unsplash

Uploading an Airbnb Host Bundle on Gumroad

The process of uploading my Airbnb Host Bundle on Gumroad was surprisingly straightforward. The user-friendly interface guided me every step of the way, making it easy to showcase my carefully curated bundle. Gumroad allowed me to upload various files, including templates, guides, and other resources, ensuring that I could offer hosts a comprehensive toolkit for success.

What truly stood out was the flexibility Gumroad offered. It allowed me to customize my product page, providing ample space to describe the value of the Airbnb Host Bundle and showcase its contents. With the ability to add images and previews, I could visually engage potential customers, giving them a glimpse of what they would gain.

Current Situation

I haven’t earned a single penny through . i am writing to document my progress . now its my time to progress and Sell it through various tactic
stay tuned on my journey

If you’re considering sharing your digital products, I highly recommend giving Gumroad a try. You can explore my Airbnb Host Bundle and see the platform in action by visiting this link: my Gumroad product

With Gumroad, you too can embark on a journey of digital product success

