My opinion about inflation in the future



Photo by Xavi Cabrera on Unsplash

First, why should you read my opinion? You shouldn’t. And I share my opinion so it may make you reconsider the future. But it does not overwrite your own opinion about how the future will become.

How to bring the inflation down?

It is a trillion-dollar question now!

The government will likely try to tackle the problem by changing the definition of inflation in the coming years.

Just similar to the definition of the recession that the government has changed, the inflation definition will change in the future, and politicians will call it a successful effort to accomplish another challenge.

How can an individual survive in the “new normal” high inflation future despite achieving a political deal?

Inflation hedge

The only inflation hedge is currency, even though inflation will erode the currency’s value. Anything that financially engineered assets are less likely to be effective in the long term.

Deflation hedge

